外语教学名篇选读(上)作者:戴炜栋 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787544614597 定价:58.0 出版时间:2010-05-01 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 |
外语教学名篇选读(上) 本书特色
外语教学名篇选读(上) 内容简介
外语教学名篇选读(上) 目录
chapter 1 fundamental concepts of foreign language teachingthree misconceptions about age and l2 learning
towards intercultural communicative competence in elt
feedback on second language students' writing
chapter 2 teaching methodology and approaches
there is no best method --why?
tesol methods: changing tracks, challenging trends
exploring input processing in the classroom: an experimental comparison of processing instruction and enriched input
chapter 3 foreign language teaching research methods
action research: an evolving paradigm?
exploratory practice: rethinking practitioner research in language teaching
making sense of language teaching: teachers' principles and classroom practices
chapter 4 curriculum development
french core programs across canada: how can we improve them?
the use of a research model to guide curriculum development
developing web-based curricula: issues and challenges
chapter 5 materials development
the textbook as agent of change
the empirical evaluation 0flanguage teaching materials
materials development and research -- making the connection
chapter 6 syllabus design and needs analysis
a critical look at the communicative approach (ⅰ)
a critical look at the communicative approach (ⅱ)
on notional syllabuses
negotiating the syllabus: a win-win situation?
chapter 7 teacher education
teacher training, development, and decision making: a model of teaching and related strategies for language teacher education
teachers' theories in grammar teaching
the sociocultural turn and its challenges for second language teacher education
外语教学名篇选读(上) 节选
外语教学名篇选读(上) 相关资料
插图:Instead of arguing over whether or not L2 teachers should study,for example, theories of SLA as part of a professional preparation program, attention may be better focused on creating opportunities for L2 teachers to make sense of those theories in their professional lives and the settings where they work (Freeman &Johnson, 1998a; 2004). From this perspective, the construct of praxis (Freire, 1970) is more suitable for the preparation of teachersbecause it captures how theory and practice inform one another and how this transformative process informs teachers' work (Carr & Kemmis, 1986; Edge &Richards, 1998; Simon, 1992). A recent account of L2 teachers' praxis is The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues:Rethinking Issues of Language, Culture, and Power (Sharkey &Johnson, 2003). In this collection of dialogues between TQ readers (classroom teachers) and TQ authors (researchers), expert knowledge (Kennedy, 1999) as codified in previously published TQ articles provides TQ readers with theoretical constructsand multiple discourses through which they express their emerging under-standings of language, culture, and power in L2 teaching. TQ readers actively link this expert knowledge to their own experiential knowledge as they reframe the way they describe and interpret their lived experiences. These new under- standings enable TQ readers to reorganize their experiential knowledge, and this reorganization creates a new lens through which they interpret their understandings of themselves and their classroom practices. Thus, praxis, as a form of expertise, has a great deal of experiential knowledge in it, but it is organized around and transformed through theoretical knowledge.
外语 英语读物 英汉对照
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