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大学体验英语快速阅读教程-(2)(附CD-ROM)作者:刘龙根,崔敏 总主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:7040178311 定价:20.0 出版时间:2005-08-01 出版社:高等教育出版社 |
大学体验英语快速阅读教程-(2)(附CD-ROM) 内容简介
大学体验英语快速阅读教程-(2)(附CD-ROM) 目录
introduction to important reading strategies and skillsunit one american life
text a choosing the way we live
text b the evolving notion of home
unit two government
text a government in britain
text b government in the u.s
unit three job
text a charcoal drawing
text b my first job -- the parking-lot sweeper
unit four discovery
text a is intelligence inherited?
text b improving your memory
unit five education
text a american style of education
text b college: a transition point in my life
unit six morality
text a morality without free w
text b moral issues
unit seven friendship
text a e-mail to understanding
text b friendship of american style
unit eight social changes
text a major consequences of modernization
text b cultural change
unit nine emotional issues
text a overcoming loneliness
text b what are the causes of divorce?
unit ten health
text a health & fitness
text b walking
unit eleven culture and geography
text a culture and cuisine
text b florida
unit twelve water
text a household water
text b water wars
unit thirteen sports
text a breaking barriers through sports
text b how much exercise do i need?
unit fourteen economy
text a connectivity and economic growth
text b the place of business and work in u.s. society
unit fifteen women problems
text a for working women, job equality elusive
text b women in the workforce
unit sixteen environment
text a smog controls useless without global clean-up
text b plastic bags-- prolific problems
unit seventeen pay
text a what does mcdonald's pay?
text b all pay is not created equal
unit eighteen internet
text a on-line or off-line
text b the internet and the intranet
answer key

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