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嘉莉妹妹-英文版作者:德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser) 开 本:大32开 书号ISBN:9787511700810 定价:38.0 出版时间:2010-01-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
嘉莉妹妹-英文版 本书特色
世界经典读本系列《傲慢与偏见(英文原版)》,点击进入:《简爱(英文原版)》,点击进入:《呼啸山庄(英文原版)》,点击进入:《苔丝(英文原版)》,点击进入:《飘(英文原版)》,点击进入:《傲慢与偏见(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:《爱的教育(英文原版)》,点击进入:《红与黑(英文原版)》,点击进入:《红 字(英文原版)》,点击进入:《汤姆叔叔的小屋(英文原版)》,点击进入:《海底两万里(英文原版)》,点击进入:《荒野的呼唤 白牙(英文原版)》,点击进入:《嘉莉妹妹(英文原版)》,点击进入:《哈克贝利.费恩历险记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《格列佛游记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《八十天环绕地球(英文原版)》,点击进入:《雾都孤儿(英文原版)》,点击进入:《鲁滨逊漂流记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《金银岛(英文原版)》,点击进入:《汤姆.索亚历险记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《西方的智慧(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:《房龙地理(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:
嘉莉妹妹-英文版 内容简介
嘉莉妹妹-英文版 目录
chapter i the magnet attracting——a waif amid forceschapter ii what poverty threatened——of granite and brass
chapter iii wee questionof fortune——four-fifty a week
chapter iv the spendings of fancy——facts answer with sneers
chapter v a glittering night flower——the use of a name
chapter vi the machine and the maiden——a knight of today
chapter vii the lure of the material——beauty speaks for itself
chapter viii intimations by winter——an ambassador summoned
chapter ix convention's own tinderbox——the eye that is green
chapter x the counsel of winter——fortune's ambassador calls
chapter xi the persuasion of fashion——feeling guards o'er its own
chapter xii of the lamps of the mansions——the ambassador's plea
chapter xiii his credentials accepted——a babel of tongues
chapter xiv with eyes and not seeing——-one influence wanes
chapter xv the irk of the old ties——the magic of youth
chapter xvi a witless aladdin——the gate to the world
chapter xvii a glimpse through the gatew——hope lightens the eye
chapter xviii just over the border——a hail and farewell
chapter ~ix an hour in elfland——a clamor half heard
chapter xx the lure of the spirit——the flesh in pursuit
chapter xxi the lure of the spirit——the flesh in pursuit
chapter xxii the blaze of the tinder——flesh wars with the flesh
chapter xxiii a spirit in travail——one rung put behind
chapter xxw ashes of tinder——a face at the window
chapter xxv ashes of tinder——the loosing of stays
chapter xxvi the ambassador fallen——a search for the gate
chapter xxvii when waters engulf us——we reach for a star
chapter xxviii a pilgrim, an outlaw——the spirit detained
chapter xxix the solace of travel——the boats of the sea
chapter xxx the kingdom of greatness——the pilgrim adream
chapter xxxi a pet of good fortune——broadway flaunts its joys
chapter xxxii the feast of belshazzar——a seer to translate
chapter xxxiu without the walled city——the slope of the years
chapter xxxiv the grind of the millstones——a sample of chaff
chapter xxxv the passing of effort——the visage of care
chapter xxxvi a grim retrogression——the phantom of chance
chapter xxxvii the spirit awakens——new search for the gate
chapter xxxviii in elf land disporting——the grim world without
chapter xxxix of lights and of shadows——the parting of worlds
外语 英语读物 英文版
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