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汽车专业英语 本书特色


汽车专业英语 内容简介


汽车专业英语 目录

unit 1 introduction to cars
part ⅰ technical and practical reading
  kinds of cars
  new words
  phrases and expressions
  types and recurrence of
  maintenance operations
  new words
  phrases and expressions
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile
part ⅲ have a try
  troubleshooting guide
part ⅳ listening and speaking
  visiting the car company
unit 2 introduction to automobile engine
part ⅰ technical and practical reading
  engine construction (ⅰ)
  new words
  phrases and expressions
  engine construction (ⅱ)
  new words
  phrases and expressions
part ⅱ glance at the structure of
  the automobile
part ⅲ have a try
  troubleshooting guide
  troubleshooting engine performance"
part ⅳ listening and speaking
  asking for opinions
unit 3 lubrication and cooling system
part ⅰ technical and practical reading
  lubrication system
  new words
  phrases and expressions
  cooling system
  new words
  phrases and expressions
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile
part ⅲ have a try
  troubleshooting guide
part ⅳ listening and speaking
  talking about car maintenance
unit 4 introduction to drive train
part ⅰ technical and practical reading
  drive train (ⅰ)
  new words
  phrases and expressions
  drive train (ⅱ)
  new words
  phrases and expressions
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile
part ⅲ have a try
  troubleshooting guide
part ⅳ listening and speaking
  purchasing a car in the shop
unit 5 automotive ignition system
unit 6 introduction to brake system
unit 7 suspension system
unit 8 automotive steering system
unit 9 safety airbag and seatbelt system
unit 10 introduction to instrument cluster
附录1 vocabulary
附录2 phrases and expressions
附录3 汽车专业缩略词解释
附录4 参考译文

汽车专业英语 节选

《汽车专业英语》内容编排以实用为原则,贴近企业实际,尤其是课文以外的“练习”内容,着重突出专业英语的特色,使读者既能学到英语,又能学到汽车方面的各类小知识。《汽车专业英语》包括10个单元,每个单元包括4部分内容:两篇与汽车紧密结合的实用英语阅读材料、专业术语、故障检修指南及汽车英语实用对话。通过以上内容设置,读者可轻松掌握汽车英语的相关知识,具备阅读汽车专业英语材料、进行简单专业会话的能力。 《汽车专业英语》可作为高职高专院校汽车类专业的英语教材,也可作为企业培训、上岗实训的教材,也可供相关技术人员学习参考。


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