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时尚生活高手过招(开口飙英文) 本书特色


时尚生活高手过招(开口飙英文) 内容简介


时尚生活高手过招(开口飙英文) 目录

chapter 1 饮食
unit 1 香飘香榭丽舍
unit 2 东来顺vs全聚德
unit 3 六本木料理
unit 4 白领vs星巴克
unit 5 乐享必胜客
unit 6 吃在麦当劳
unit 7 相约肯德基

chapter 2 娱乐消遣
unit 1 电视电影
unit 2 欲望都市
unit 3 青春派对
unit 4 卡拉ok
unit 5 明星八卦
unit 6 欣赏文艺
unit 7 夜生活
unit 8 旅游观光

chapter 3 情感
unit 1 爱就像卡布奇诺
unit 2 网络情缘
unit 3 聚焦都市人
unit 4 七夕节vs情人节
unit 5 异国情缘
unit 6 办公室恋情
unit 7 寻经济适用男与清汤挂面女
unit 8 闪婚一族
unit 9 剩男剩女
unit 10 婚礼进行时
unit 11 度蜜月

chapter 4 每日生活
unit 1 温馨家庭
unit 2 共下厨房
unit 3 租房搬家
unit 4 医疗保健
unit 5 个人理财
unit 6 银行业务
unit 7 邮政快递
unit 8 求职应聘
unit 9 交通出行
unit 10 行车安全
unit 11 家长里短
unit 12 左邻右舍

chapter 5 潮流时尚
unit 1 服饰百搭
unit 2 美发沙龙
unit 3 驻颜有术
unit 4 塑造骨感
unit 5 健身热潮
unit 6 素食主义
chapter 6 文化风景
unit 1 缤纷节日
unit 2 涩谷之行
unit 3 那一抹中国红
unit 4 异国胜景

时尚生活高手过招(开口飙英文) 节选


时尚生活高手过招(开口飙英文) 相关资料

插图:A:McDonald's was really crowded.I caught the noon-time rush hour, and I could hardly find a seat. B: Hey, why did you have to go there?Is there nothing to eat beside those hamburgers and chicken wings? A:But it is quick and convenient there. Go into a fast-food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. I don't want to have my time wasted in waiting in line to order or waiting at the table for my food to arrive. B:The Chengdu Restaurant around the cor- ner also provides quick service, and the di- shes there are delicious. A:Yes, the dishes there are really great, but the environment there is too uncomfortable. Ijust can't stand eating at sucha place. You know, the other good thing about McDonald's is the clean food and the comfortable environ- ment.B:But fast food isn't healthy enough, it doesn't compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. A:Well, that's true. B:I guess the best way is to eat at home.Though home cooking is time-consuming and the following wash-up tiresome, it of-fers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a goodchoice when you are in a hurry and weshould turn to it only once in a while.A:麦当劳里人真够多的。我碰上了午饭的高峰时段,连个位子都找不到。B:为什么你非得去麦当劳不可?难道除了那些汉堡鸡翅就没有可吃的了吗?A:但是那里方便快捷啊。到快餐店去马上就能买到食物,立刻就能解决饥饿问题,我可不想浪费时间排队点餐或者在餐桌旁等上菜。B:转角的成都饭馆服务也很快,而且做的菜很好吃。A:他家菜是好吃,不过,就是那里的环境太差了。我实在不习惯在那样的地方吃饭。你知道,麦当劳的另一个好处就是食物干净,环境舒适。B:但是快餐不够健康,它的饮食不均衡,而且没营养。医生建议人们少吃快餐。A:嗯,确实是这样。B:我想最好

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