The Diplomat from China-一个外交家的经历
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The Diplomat from China-一个外交家的经历作者:阮虹 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787119047874 定价:148.0 出版时间:2007-01-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
The Diplomat from China-一个外交家的经历 内容简介
han xu, the man who stands out as the preeminent symbol of friendship in my life-time experience with diplomats, died july 19 in abeijing hospital after a long bout with cancer. inhis death the american people lost a good friend. in the first address to an american audienceby a diplomat of the people's republic of china,han xu urged the 1978 graduates of illinois col-lege in jacksonville to reach out cordially to peoplein other countries and to pass the spirit of friend-ship from one generation to another. he carriedthis message eloquently and effectively all of hislong productive and eventful life. when in 1978 governor james thompsonasked me to organize an agricultural trade mis-sion to china, han paved the way with a success-ful agenda. shortly before han's departure as deputychief, i hosted a fun-filled luncheon for him in theu.s capitol was a rollicking his work, han always presented the position ofthe chinese government in the best light possibleand some of the assignments were not easy. in every approach, he was positive, vigorous,smiling, courteous, anddeferential. han xu kept friendship ties strong even inadversity. it mattered not whether either of us wasin office or out. year after year, he kept invitingthe findleys to dinners and receptions while hewas in washington and on his return to china, tobe his guests for a holiday there. for han xu,friendship was forever.

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