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作者:瑞娜·克拉斯诺 (Rena Krasno)

开 本:16





上海往事-英文 目录

PrefaceChapter 1 BeginningsChapter 2 Early ChildhoodChapter 5 Tea TimeChapter 4 Walking to SchoolChapter 5 Pidgin EnglishChapter 6 TailorsChapter 7 BroadcastingChapter 8 Blue CapsChapter 9 Money, Bank and a TycoonChapter 10 The Triumph of Jesse OwensChapter 11 Expatriate Households——Life in ParadiseChapter 12 Bloody SaturdayChapter 13 Christmas 1939Chapter 14 Abbot Chao-Kung and His HatredChapter 15 The Portuguese Colony and Father Robert Jacquinot de BesangeChapter 16 Albert Einstein's Visit to ShanghaiChapter 17 The Shanghai Volunteer Corps and Boy ScoutsChapter 18 December 8, 1941Chapter 19 City of RefugeChapter 20 Jack RileyChapter 21 U.S. BombingChapter 22 Pacific War UnwindingChapter 23 Japanese Internment CampsChapter 24 U.S. Forces ArriveChapter 25 Jobs, Jobs, JobsChapter 26 Deterioration, DisturbanceChapter 27 United Nations Information CenterConclusion Departure and ReturnAcknowledgement

上海往事-英文 节选

弗雷德·马克斯,1924年生于德国一个犹太家庭,1939年跟随父亲从纳粹德国逃至中国上海,在上海生活了十年之后移民美国,后成为一位著名犹太教育者。在上海生活的十年间,他坚持每天用德语写日记,无比翔实地记录了那一段动荡、艰难的岁月。《上海往事(1923-1949犹太少女的中国岁月)》由加州中国犹太人学会的公共事务官员Rena Krasno根据弗雷德·马克斯1939—1949十年间的日记撰写而成。

上海往事-英文 作者简介

Rena Krasno was born in Shanghai, China, in 1923 and lived there until 1949. Her parents, stateless Russian Jews from Siberia, arrived in China in the early 20th century. In her professional life, Krasno worked as a simultaneous freelance interpreter for international organizations in Europe and Asia. Krasno has lectured at Stanford University, U.C.L.A., U.C. Berkeley, the Commonwealth Club, and other well-known institutions in America, Asia, and Europe. She is currently Public Affairs Officer of the Sino-Judaic Institute in Menlo Park, California, as well as a member of the Editorial Committee of their publication, Points East. Krasno was featured in several documentaries including the Chinese one (Sanctuary Shanghai. Chen Yifei, 1999). Nine of Rena's books have been published, including Floating Lanterns and Golden Shrines (Pacific View Press, Berkeley, a winner of 2002 Benjamin Franklin Publishers Award). Three of her published books have been translated into Chinese.


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