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高级英语阅读教程(修订版) 本书特色


高级英语阅读教程(修订版) 内容简介

简介   《高级英语阅读教程》(修订版)是北京大学出版社出版的大学英语立体化网络化系列教材之一。编者在原书的基础上对部分内容进行了修改和补充以期进一步体现本书的阅读价值。本教材从多方面、多角度精选了英美著名报刊上的时文、新论;题材广泛,内容时尚;编排独特,难易适中;练习设置别具一格。学生通过阅读这些精选的报刊原文,可开阔视野,改善思维,提高素质,*终达到*大限度地提高英语阅读能力的目的。

高级英语阅读教程(修订版) 目录

Unit One Foreign Culture异域风情Passage 1 TheOldestCityonEarthPassage 2 ChristmasinNewZealandPassage 3 New York’S ChinatownPassage 4 The Dolphin That Came to StayUnit Two Environment环境家园Passage 1 HowTreesAreKillingOurRiversPassage 2 Fiddling While the World BumsPassage 3 Citizens Can Do Something about Climate ChangePassage 4 Trashed Tech:Where Do Old Cell Phones,TVs and PCs Go to Die?Unit Three Economy经济视野Passage 1 China’S Booming Economy:Do the Risks Outweigh the Opportunities?Passage 2 A Global Love AffairPassage 3 Go Ahead and SaveLet the Govemment SpendPassage 4 Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St.BonusesUnit Four Computer and Internet 网络传媒Passage 1 The Keyboard KidsPassage 2 Meet the ChipsonsPassage 3 Digital Pirates Winning Battle with StudiosPassage 4 Not Everyone Is Cheering as Wi—Fi Takes to the AirUnit Five Medicine医药健康Passage 1 The Sleep CurePassage 2 Lifting the Curtain on DepressionPassage 3 AIDS:What It Is NotPassage 4 Why People Get SickUnit Six Social Issues社会长廊Passage 1 The“Thrill”ofTheftPassage 2 Latent Corruption and Bribery in the USPassage 3 Alcohol’S TV Flirtation More than a ThreatPassage 4 BringingUp AdolescentsUnit Seven Sports体育世界Passage 1 ANational Undertaking——SportsPassage 2 China’S Olympics(Ⅰ)Passage 3 China’S Olympics(Ⅱ)Passage4 SoccerGets SexyUnit Eight Entertainment休闲娱乐Passage 1 Girls Just Wanna Have GunsPassage 2 The Biggest SummerPassage 3 Channel Surfin9Passage 4 Bullfighting in SpainUnit Nine Literature文学欣赏Passage 1 Harry Potter:The End Is HerePassage 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Chapter xv) The Goblin’S RevengePassage 3 Review onA Farewell to ArmsPassage 4 A Farewell to Arms(Chapter XV)Unit Ten Biology生物掠影Passage 1 The Biotech Century—Playing Ecological Roulette with MotherNature’S DesignsPassage 2 Larks and Owls:The Inner Clock That Rules Our LivesPassage 3 Here,Kitty,KittyPassage 4 Does Biodiversity Matter?Unit Eleven History and Civilization历史管窥Passage 1 Napoleonic Europe—1799—1815Passage 2 Rise ofCivilizations and EmpiresPassage 3 The CrusadesPassage 4 Elizabethan AgeUnit Twelve Education 教育天地Passage 1 The Aims of EducationPassage 2 Head StartPassage 3 Test DrivePassage 4 Private School under SiegeUnit Thirteen Great Names 风云人物Passage 1 Little Sister of the PoorPassage 2 Julius CaesarPassage 3 Dr. Carl G. Jung: Pioneer in Analytic PsychologyPassage 4 The Kennedy Family and Classical ThemesUnit Fourteen Archaeology 考古寻秘Passage 1 Discovering the New RomePassage 2 The Treasures of King Tut' s TombPassage 3 The Trojan Horse and Helen of Troy: Fact or Fiction?Passage 4 Turning Points: Maya Archeology Comes of AgeUnit Fifteen Space and Discovery 宇宙探索Passage 1 The Sun——Living with a Stormy StarPassage 2 The New History of Black Holes:Co-evolution Dramatically Alters Dark Reputation Passage 3 Exotic EarthsPassage 4 Auroras :What Powers the Greatest Light Show on Earth?Unit Sixteen Philosophy 哲学经典Passage 1 NietzschePassage 2 PlatoPassage 3 HegelPassage 4 Existentialism and SartreKeys to Exercises 练习答案References

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