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高等实用英语教程-(第一册) 本书特色


高等实用英语教程-(第一册) 目录

Unit OneListening and TalkingEnrollmentIntensive ReadingText A School Opening Speech Text B Eight Tips for StudentsStarting CollegeLearning StrategyUnit TwoListening and TalkingIn the DormitoryIntensive ReadingText A What is Cooler Living Text B Thinking Rationally about Global WarmingLearning StrategyUnit ThreeListening and TalkingDiningIntensive ReadingText A Knife and Fork or Chopsticks?Text B Table Manners in North America Learning StrategyUnit FourListening and TalkingMaking Phone Calls IIntensive ReadingText A Young People’S Life Goals Become Diversified Text B Ideal LifeLearning StrategyUnit FiveListening and TalkingMaking Phone Calls ⅡIntensive ReadingText A I Am Proud ofMy Motherland.Text B The Green Long MarchLearning StrategyUnit SixListening and TalkingTaking CoursesIntensive ReadingTCXt A The 5Rs of Lifelong LearningText B Preparing for Life in CollegeLearning StrategyUnit SevenListening and TalkingIn the LibraryIntensive ReadingText A Reading in English Benefits You a Lot(1)Text B Reading in English Benefits You a Lot(2)Learning StrategyUnit EightListening and TalkingMaking FriendsIntensive ReadingText A Friendship vs. LoveText B Love and FriendshipLearning StrategyUnit NineListening and TalkingElectionIntensive ReadingText A Winning SpeechText B How to Get on the Student Council Learning StrategyUnit Ten Listening and TalkingExaminationsIntensive ReadingText A How to Prepare for ExamsText B Tips for Taking ExamsLearning StrategyReferences

高等实用英语教程-(第一册) 节选

《高等实用英语教程(1)》共分10个单元。每单元按照语言教学规律进行编排,包括:Listening and Talking(听说部分)、Intensive Reading(精读部分)、Learning Strategy(学习策略部分)。以学生入学开始的生活为主线。在具体的交际场景中进行听说系统训练,精选了与学习、生活紧密相关的文章进行讲解,并提供了涉及阅读、翻译和写作的学习策略和语言应用技巧。《高等实用英语教程(1)》可作为高职高专非英语专业学生教材,也可作为相关职业培训的参考教材。

高等实用英语教程-(第一册) 相关资料

插图:An ideal life starts with the requirements to sustain and maintain life. Food, or sustenance is something that we all need. To one person the ideal of food might be quitesimple such as bread, cheese, and fruit. To another a banquet every day fills the need. Shelter andclothing work on the same sliding scale. One person might find his ideal in a one-room cabinwhereas another might require a sixty-room mansion. We all know some people who could careless about their clothes as long as they are clean and keep them covered as well as a clothes horsewho must continually have the latest designed fashions. The examples are extremes, but they bothperceive their ways of life as ideal —— for them.With the basics fulfilled, what about an ideal life mentally? We all need to be happy and athome with our own thoughts. We all need to be stimulated mentally, to always learn somethingnew in an ideal life. Each one of us chooses a path to follow as a way to earn our money. It doesn't matter whether you are a waiter or the chief executive officerof a huge corporation as long as it is what you want to do andenjoy.Lastly, it is the emotional ideal. I think it is safe to saythat we all need to give and receive love. Some see their lovein raising a family. Others perhaps in charity work. Maybe thefarmers see their love in being a good steward of the land. Themedical workers might see it in the care that they give to apatient and the gratitude expressed for that care. We all seek togive and receive love no matter what costume we put on it.

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