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经贸英语教程 内容简介


经贸英语教程 目录

Chapter 1 What Is EconomicsPassage 1 What Is EconomicsPassage 2 MacroeconomicsSupplementary Reading Economic Concepts in Daily LifeCase Study A World without Jobs?Chapter 2 Economic GrowthPassage 1 Economic GrowthPassage 2 The Measurements of Economic GrowthSupplementary Reading Economic ForcesCase Study Japan’s Economic Performance between 1960—1996Chapter 3 The Economic Roles of GovernmentPassage 1 The Economic Roles of GovernmentPassage 2 Government PoliciesSupplementary Reading A Brief History of Economic ThoughtCase Study China’s Macroeconomic Policy in Recent YearsChapter 4 MoneyPassage 1 What Is Money?Passage 2 Money and Its SystemSupplementary Reading Finance: A Company’s LifebloodCase Study E-cach and EqualityChapter 5 InvestmentPassage 1 What Determines InvestmentPassage 2 Debts or SecuritiesSupplementary Reading Stock Exchange in AmericaCase Study Company Profile and Investment HighlightsChapter 6 AccountingPassage 1 Introduction to AccountingPassage 2 The Balance SheetSupplementary Reading Generally Accepted Accouting Principles and Organizations Concerned with GAAPCase Study Effects of Business Transactions upon the Balance SheetChapter 7 International TradePassage 1 International TradePassage 2 Basic Theories of International TradeSupplementary Reading Ways of Doing Business InternationallyCase Study The Foreign Trade of the UKChapter 8 World Trade OrganizationsPassage 1 Basics of GATTPassage 2 The Basics of the World Trade OrganizationSupplementary Reading The Uruguay RoundCase Study China’s Bid to Join the World Trade OrganizationChapter 9 Trade BarriersPassage 1 International Trade SystemPassage 2 Barriers to World TradeSupplementary Reading Multinational CorporationsCase Study The Theory Behind the AntidumpingChapter 10 Foreign ExchangePassage 1 Foreign Exchange TradingPassage 2 Foreign-rate SystemsSupplementary Reading The Foreign Exchange MarketCase Study The Gold Standard and the Great DepressionChapter 11 International PaymentPassage 1 The Balance of PaymentsPassage 2 The System of Bretton WoodsSupplementary Reading Balance of Payments AdjustmentsCase Study Mexico’s 1994 Balance of Payments Crisis

经贸英语教程 节选


经贸英语教程 相关资料

Most simply put, economics is the study of how a society people) chooses to usescarce resources to produce goods and services and to distribute them to people forconsumption. Any economy' s resources consist of three broad areas: natural, capital,and labor. Natural resources, such as crude oil, natural gas, minerals, timber, andwater, are provided by nature in limited amounts; they must be processed to become aproduct or to be used to produce other goods or services. For example, trees must beprocessed into lumber before they can be used to build homes. Meanwhile, capitalresources refer to the goods produced for the purpose of making other types of goods andservices. Some capital resources, called current assets, have a short life and aregenerally used up in the production process. These resources include fuel, raw materials,paper, and money. Opposite to current assets, long-lived capital resources, which can beused repeatedly in the production process, are called fixed capital. Examples includefactory buildings, compact-disk machines, personal computers, and railroad cars.In addition to natural resources and capital resources, labor resources represent thehuman talent of a nation. To have value in the labor force, individuals must be trained toperform either skilled or semiskilled work. For example, the job of a physicist requiresextensive training, whereas only minimal training is needed to operate a service station' sgas pumps. This collection of human talent is the most valuable national resource.Without human resources, productive use of either natural or capital resources isimpossible.Resources are used to produce goods and services which will meet people' s needs and wants. Needs are goods and services that people must have or possess simply for survival or exist ence. For example, food, clothing, shelter, and medical care are needs; Wants, on the other hand, are things they would like or are willing to have but do not absolutely need for survi

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