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    would-be thief withdrew and joined the crowd.
2. They are part of a Chinese-immersion program at
    Woodstock Elementary School, in Portland, Oregon.
    Bucknam, who is from China, introduces her students
    to approximately 150 new Chinese characters each
    year. Students read stories, sing songs and learn math
    and science, all in Chinese.
3. At first, fifth-grader Edward Lynch didn't pay much
    attention to his teacher's warnings about the big
tests the class would take at the end of the school
    year. But two weeks before North Carolina's first-
    ever elementary-promotion exams, Edward says he's
    scared. He's a B student but an erratic test taker. "The
    other night I had a dream my books were squishing me
    and pencils were stabbing me," says the Il-year-old.
    His classmate West Bullock says, "! have friends who
    throw up the night before tests." Their teacher, Kelly
    Allen, worries that half her 21 students are at risk of
    failing next week's multiple-choice tests on math and
    reading. If they fail, they won't be able to graduate to
    middle school.
4. I arrived in San Francisco last Saturday, with all the
    nominees in my category. We spent the week doing a
    road trip round all the major animation studios. No
    matter who wins we'll all be happy. I've met the head
    of DreamWorks and Nick Park, who is so sweet. I
    definitely see avenues opening up for me with the big
    studios. I'm not saying there's a job offer, but they're
    all interested and want to meet up again.
5. If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you
    may have to go above his head to your personnel
    department or senior manager. But before you take
    this course, carefully ask coworkers if they've clashed
    with your boss in the past. Ideally, they will back
    you up and permit you to mention their names when
    you make your charges. Make it clear that you want
    to improve the situation, not punish your boss. If
    discipline is what he needs, let the higher-ups make
    that call.
1. The speaker's husband decided to wear a multi-
    pocketed vest because he realized his short-term
    memory was failing. Each of the 17 pockets of the vest
    served a purpose. One day he put his wallet in his
    pants-pocket again. A pickpocket was attracted by the
    wallet on the subway but eventually he stole nothing.
    The multi-pocketed vest worked so well that her
    husband began to put his wallet in his pants-pocket
    again. The wallet was nearly stolen.
2. Jessica Bucknam is teaching Chinese at Woodstock
    Elementary School. These Chinese classes are part of a
    Chinese-immersion program. Half of the students at
    the school are enrolled in this program. She introduces
    her students to approximately 150 new Chinese
    characters each year. Students read stories, sing songs
    and learn math and science in Chinese. Their goal is to
    speak like natives.
    The Chinese-learning program is smoothly going on
    at Woodstock Elementary School and the students are
    learning Chinese to achieve their goal.
3. Edward is a fifth-grader. He says he's scared two
    weeks before the exams because he is a B student but
    an erratic test taker. This Il-year-old tells us that he
    had a terrible dream the other night. In his dream his
    books were squishing him and pencils were stabbing
    him. His classmate Bullock says that one of his friends
    threw up the night before tests. Their teacher worries
    that if they fail, they won't be able to graduate to
    middle school.
    Both the students and the teacher are worrying about

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