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Unit Thirteen (Biological Engineering}
Text A Gene Rustlers
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Cloning: Good Science or Bad Idea7
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and then Answer the Questions Below
Text C The Father of Genetics
Unit Fourteen (Biological Engineering)
Text A Biometrie Systems Open the Door
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B The Biological Revolution
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and then Answer the Questions Below
Text C ECO Resort
Unit Fifteen (Biological Engineering)
Text A Bioseeurity: Protecting Your Livestock and Poultry
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Global Contamination, Wildlife Health and Biotechnology
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and then Answer the Questions Below
Text C Global Contamination, Wildlife Health and Biotechnology
Unit Sixteen (Veterinary Science)
Text A Careers in Veterinary Medicine
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Veterinarian
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and Decide Whether the Statements Below are True (T)or False (F)
Text C Veterinary Services Careers Program: Leading the Charge to Safeguard Animal Health
Unit Seventeen [ Veterinary Science)
Text A Veterinary Vaccine
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Avian Influenza
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and Decide Whether the Statements Below are True ( T)or False (F)
Text C How People Can Protect Themselves and Their Families From Bird Flu
Unit Eighteen (Veterinary Science)
Text A Animal Immune System
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Antibiotics for Animals
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and Decide Whether the Statements Below are True ( T)
or False (F)
Text C Foot and Mouth Disease
Unit Nineteen (Veterinary Science)
Text A PRRS Control Strategies
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and then Answer the Questions Below
Text C Evaluating Your Swine Enterprise
Unit Twenty (Practical Writting)
Text A 6th International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates
Task One : Read and Understand the Following Conference Announcement
Task Two : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Invitation for Bids
Task One : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Two : Finish the Following Exercises
Text C Theft Deterrent System
Task One : Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Two : Finish the Following Exercises
Appendix Ⅰ (附录) Glossary (词汇表)
Appendix Ⅱ(附录二) Basic English Vocabulary for Specialties (专业英语基础词汇)
Appendix Ⅲ(附录三) Frequently-Used Prefixes in Scientific Terms (常见科技术语)
Appendix Ⅳ(附录四) Chinese and English Names of Some Departments and Specialties(各系、专业名称英汉对照表)
Keys to the Exercises
References (参考文献)

畜牧兽医专业英语 目录

Unit One (Economics and Trade)
Text A Business and Social Responsibility
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two: Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Business and Your Life
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and then Answer the Questions Below
Text C How to Succeed in Business?
Unit Two (Economics and Trade)
Text A The Marketing Concept
Task One : Words to Know
Task Two: Read and Understand the Following Passage
Task Three : Finish the Following Exercises
Text B Marketing Is All around Us
Words to Know
Read the Following Passage and Decide Whether the Statements are True ( T) or False (F)

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