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全球视角下的一带一路-中外联合研究报告-N0.1-英文 内容简介


全球视角下的一带一路-中外联合研究报告-N0.1-英文 目录

Preface and Acknowledgements
Challenges and Opportunities Faced by the B&R Initiative
The Belt and Road Initiative: Challenges, Cooperation and Action
The Belt and Road Initiative: Why GIobalization Drives in Asia and Beyond Need to be Integrated?
Deepening of Northeast Asia Economic Integration through the Belt and Road Initiative: A Korean Perspective
B&R Initiative and Sustainable Development
The B&R Initiative and Construction of“Hard Power”
B&R Initiative and the Infrastructure Development in Laos
Russia - China Cooperation as a Part of the Belt and Road Initiative
Central Asia and the Silk Road Economic Belt
Inward FDI Determinants and FDI Influence on Economic Growth in the Kyrgyz Republic: An Empirical Analysis
China-Kyrgyzstan Railway Meets IDE-GSM
An Analysis of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Its Prospects
The Belt and Road Initiative and Afghanistan's Stage Multi-Field
Cooperation with Other Powers
Sri Lanka's Perspective on the Belt and Road Initiative
The Belt and Road Initiative: The Bangladesh Context
The Evolution of Turkish-Chinese Trade Relations, 1990-2014
The Belt and Road Initiative: The Future of Economic Relationship between China and Egypt
The B&R Initiative and Construction of“Soft Power”
Soft Power: A Flexible Tool for Cooperation
Challenges in Fostering “People-to-People Bond”: Studies on China by Southeast Asia and Studies on Southeast Asia by China
Education Opportunities and Challenges under the Belt and Road Initiative
Views on the B&R Initiative from Chinese Scholars ~
The Belt and Road Initiative: the Chinese Wisdom
The Dual-Track Drive of Trading and Humanity——Research on Differential Strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative Implemented by Each FTZ
Thoughts and Suggestions on the Status Quo of Port Cooperation Along the Maritime Silk Road
The Belt and Road Initiative and Production Capacity Cooperation between China and India
Suggestions on Promoting the Coordinated Development of the Belt and Road Construction and Western Development

全球视角下的一带一路-中外联合研究报告-N0.1-英文 作者简介

  王灵桂,山东诸城人,法学博士,研究员。毕业于北京外国语大学阿拉伯语系。现为中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院党委书记、副院长。出版了《中国伊斯兰教史》《一脉相传阿拉伯人》《一脉相传犹太人》以及阿拉伯文版的《伊斯兰教在中国》等专著,在《经济日报》《光明日报》等报刊上发表论文180余篇。主要译著有埃及作家伊哈桑·阿卜杜·古督斯的代表作《黑色的眼镜》和《处女与白发》。    赵江林,1968年生,1996年毕业于中国社会科学院研究生院,获经济学博士学位。1996年起在中国社会科学院亚太研究所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员,经济室副主任、主任。现任中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院(前身是亚太研究所)研究员、国际经济关系室主任、博士生导师。曾去日本、美国知名研究机构或大学做访问学者。学术研究方向为亚太经济、国际经济关系。发表论文多篇,独著和主编学术专著多本。


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