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赢在中国-如何在中国的新硅谷中掘金-英文 本书特色

我们都知道,创新是现代社会发展的源泉。我们也知道,建立一个吸引、培养和推动创新公司的环境甚至更加重要,因为这样的环境能让初创公司更容易取得成功,从而推出更多创新产品和服务。 从目前来看,这类环境中*为成功、已经形成良性发展态势的,是美国的硅谷。有许多国家试图模仿,但大多都遭遇了失败。中国也是尝试着之一,但目前仍未取得成功。 怎样才能打造美国硅谷那样的环境?创业者又将就此做出什么改变?许多作品都试图就这一问题展开论述,但它们都未能提炼出本质内容,因为硅谷之中暗含奥秘,表面的模仿难以成功。 在本书中,全球著名作家、拥有丰富管理经验的普林斯博士将为这一问题提供全新的分析视角。书中提供了真正的实践途径和其他书中从未有过的建议。通过本书,读者们能掌握一系列切实可行的操作手法,打造自己的企业,*终建成具有中国特色的真正硅谷。

赢在中国-如何在中国的新硅谷中掘金-英文 内容简介


赢在中国-如何在中国的新硅谷中掘金-英文 目录

How Founders Can Bring Success to the NewSilicon Valley in China 1
Chapter 1 Why do Silicon Valleys Succeed – orFail? 4
Chapter 2 Founders are Different 14
Chapter 3 The Difference between American andChinese Founders and their Situations 19
Chapter 4 The Opportunities and theTemptations of the New Chinese Founder 26
Chapter 5 Pop-Up Careers and Pop-Up Founders 31
Chapter 6 Will the Founder’s PersonalityCreate Wealth For His Company? 36
Chapter 7 Style versus Substance in NewFounders 41
Chapter 8 How Venture Capitalists JudgeFounders 46
Chapter 9 How Successful Are Startups bySenior Founders? 50
Chapter 10 Is High Intelligence a Disadvantagein Being a Founder? 55
Chapter 11 Founders should be Teachers Too 60How Founders Can Bring Success to the New Silicon Valley in China 1 INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1 Why do Silicon Valleys Succeed – or Fail? 4 PART 1 LEVERAGING HIGH-IMPACT FOUNDERS 13 Chapter 2 Founders are Different 14 Chapter 3 The Difference between American and Chinese Founders and their Situations 19 Chapter 4 The Opportunities and the Temptations of the New Chinese Founder 26 Chapter 5 Pop-Up Careers and Pop-Up Founders 31 Chapter 6 Will the Founder’s Personality Create Wealth For His Company? 36 Chapter 7 Style versus Substance in New Founders 41 Chapter 8 How Venture Capitalists Judge Founders 46 Chapter 9 How Successful Are Startups by Senior Founders? 50 Chapter 10 Is High Intelligence a Disadvantage in Being a Founder? 55 Chapter 11 Founders should be Teachers Too 60 Chapter 12 Who Is Not Suitable to be a Founder? 66 Chapter 13 The Founder-Board Relationship is Critical to Silicon Valley Success 72 PART 2 BUILDING TRANSFORMATIVE NEW COMPANIES 77 Chapter 14 Leaping Ahead of Shocking Market Changes 78 Chapter 15 Building Agile Company Cultures to Sustain Constructive Energy 84 Chapter 16 Choosing the Right Leadership Style for Explosive Growth 90 Chapter 17 But Will an MBA Make Me Manage My Startup Better? 96 Chapter 18 How to Fail Beautifully (When There’s No other Choice) 102 PART 3 TURNING EMPLOYEES INTO ENTREPRENEURS 108 Chapter 19 Turning Employees into High-Performance Owners 109 Chapter 20 The Success Secret of Startup Leadership – Business Acumen 114 Chapter 21 How to Make Startups More Innovative 119 Chapter 22 How to Find and Use the Different Types of Innovators 125 Chapter 23 Emotional Intelligence Is Critical to High Startup Performance 132 Chapter 24 Excitement and Passion Drives Successful Startups 138 Chapter 25 How to Reward Your Employees – Without Money 146 Chapter 26 Is Exercise the Secret to Silicon Valley’s Success? 152 PART 4 STRATEGIES FOR ATMOSPHERIC VALUATIONS 157 Chapter 27 How can Your Company Become a Unicorn? 158 Chapter 28 Use the Buffett Method of Valuation To Turbocharge Your Company’s Value 164 Chapter 29 Financing for Your Startup – You Got to Tell a Story 171 Chapter 30 Finding the Best – or Any - Business Model for Your Company 178 Chapter 31 Killer Investor Relations Programs are Key to Killer Valuations 184 Chapter 32 Going Public is the Beginning, Not the End 192 Chapter 33 Selling your Company for the Best Price 199 Chapter 34 How to Prosper (or Just Survive) in a Bear Market 206 PART 5 BUILDING THE NEW CHINESE SILICON VALLEY 211 Chapter 35 Building a Unique Chinese Silicon Valley Model – The Gaokao for Founders 212信息

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