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一带一路国际智库合作联盟研讨会对话集-一带一路建设:融通.创新.可持续发展-英文 本书特色

为推进“一带一路”软环境建设,中联部、深圳市人民政府、复旦大学于2016年2月22-24日在深圳联合举办“一带一路”国际智库合作联盟研讨会。会议旨在联络沿线国家有影响力的智库和研究机构,加强国际智库网络建设,推动以我为主的机制化智库合作,向世界宣介“一带一路”,引导舆论,解疑释惑,凝聚共识,咨政建言。大会通过了《深圳宣言》,阐述了国际智库合作联盟成员单位对“一带一路”的共同认知。 参会代表来自东南亚、中亚、中东、欧盟、非洲、美洲等50多个国家的70多家智库,代表们围绕“提升多层次互联互通”、“促进发展规划对接”、“推动绿色创新发展”这三个分议题进行了广泛深入的讨论。中外专家展示了自己的学术见地和对“一带一路”的思考,研讨既有思想的碰撞,也有观点的契合。

一带一路国际智库合作联盟研讨会对话集-一带一路建设:融通.创新.可持续发展-英文 内容简介


一带一路国际智库合作联盟研讨会对话集-一带一路建设:融通.创新.可持续发展-英文 目录

Dialogue on Silk Road Think TankAssociation Conference
—Building theBelt and Road: Connection, Innovation and Sustainable Development
Building the Belt and Road:Connection, Innovation and Sustainable Development
—Silk RoadThink Tank Association Conference
(Feb. 22nd-24th, 2016)1
Opening Ceremony and PlenarySession1
Panel I
Facilitating Multi?dimensionalConnectivity71
Connectivity is integral to thebuilding of the Belt and Road. It includes not only the physical connection ofinfrastructures, the soft connection of rules and regulations, but also theconnection between people. This topic is specified into the followingquestions: what are the main spheres of connectivity concerned by countriesalong the Belt and Road? What are the bottlenecks and weak points ofconnectivity? How to remove the impediments to connectivity? What are theeffective means to promote cultural exchanges, mutual learning betweencivilizations, and common progress?Dialogue on Silk Road Think Tank Association Conference —Building the Belt and Road: Connection, Innovation and Sustainable Development Contents Prefac Building the Belt and Road: Connection, Innovation and Sustainable Development —Silk Road Think Tank Association Conference (Feb. 22nd-24th, 2016)1 Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session1 Panel I Facilitating Multi?dimensional Connectivity71 Connectivity is integral to the building of the Belt and Road. It includes not only the physical connection of infrastructures, the soft connection of rules and regulations, but also the connection between people. This topic is specified into the following questions: what are the main spheres of connectivity concerned by countries along the Belt and Road? What are the bottlenecks and weak points of connectivity? How to remove the impediments to connectivity? What are the effective means to promote cultural exchanges, mutual learning between civilizations, and common progress? Part One79 Part Two114 Panel II Enhancing Development Plans Integration147 To promote the integration of development plans has become the consensus of countries along the Belt and Road. Such integrations are essential to the building of community of destiny, deepening regional cooperation and globalization. This topic is specified into the following questions: What are the system and policy barriers to trade and investment cooperation between countries at present? What are the overlapping interests and cooperation opportunities between economies of differing degrees of development? How to further promote the integration of development plans? How can think tanks and research institutions play a positive role in the process? Part One155 Part Two193 Panel III Promoting Green and Innovative Development227 Being green, ecologically friendly, and conducive to environment protection are among the crucial concepts to be followed in building the Belt and Road. And innovation is the fountainhead for sustainable development. This topic is specified into the following questions: What are the issues that should be paid attention to in international productivity cooperation? How to do a good job in environmental protection in the process of industrialization? How to coordinate all sides to jointly strengthen cooperation in environmental protection? How to walk out a low?carbon, green, environment?friendly, sustainable road of development for reference in the building of the Belt and Road? Part One235 Part Two264 Wrap?up and Closing Ceremony285信息

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