
首页 > 图书 > 经济管理类图书/2020-06-05 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:黄卫平 丁凯 赖明明 刘一姣 汤学敏、

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全面深化改革与世界经济(英文版) 本书特色

  中国经济有自身发展的规律,但同时又必然受到世界经济周期性变化的影响。当前,世界经济进入技术创新拓展期、全球化红利递减期和增长模式调整期,中国原有的依附于全球失衡的增长模式、全球化红利的分配模式以及与世界既定分工格局相协调的产业模式都必须作出相应的调整。中国共产党的十八大提出要全面提高开放型经济水平,中国国家主席习近平也多次强调,要更好地统筹国内国际两个大局,坚持开放的发展、合作的发展、共赢的发展,以更加积极的姿态参与国际事务,共同应对全球性的挑战,努力为全球发展作出贡献。    当前,中国全面深化改革的号角已经吹响,中国将对经济转型的方向、路径、速度以及目标进行科学规划和演化调整,从而在更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次上提高开放型经济水平,打造中国经济升级版,*终实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”。    本书通过国际社会看得懂的语言和逻辑,探讨当前世界经济格局下中国的进一步改革,向海外读者和国际社会展现中国作为一个负责任的大国建立和谐世界经济的意愿与抱负。

全面深化改革与世界经济(英文版) 目录

chapter 1 the world economic setup with reform“imbalance” and “rebalance” of world economic development“changing” and “new normal” on the world economic scenethe “intrigue” and “love” in the world economic governancechapter 2 uncertain prospects of the international economythe“inside” and “outside” of policy adjustments of developedcountriesdeleveraging in different countries: “cold” and “hot”newly emerging economies “on the way”the “perpendicular” and “horizontal” of new currency alliances“rise” and “decline” of trade arrangements“highspeed” and “slowspeed” development of newly emergingeconomies“differences” and “similarities” in the changes in the chineseeconomy and the world economychapter 3 chinas coordinate in the world economy“active” and “passive” in the world factorythe “strong point” and “weak point” of development models“dream” and “reality” of industry upgradechapter 4 difficulties and focus in chinas economic development“internal cause” and “external cause” in the developmentbottleneckthe “hot spot” and “bright spot” in the developmentthe “phenomenon” and “nature” of main prices“addition” and “subtraction” in structural adjustmentthe “curse” and “opportunity” of economic growthchapter 5 dialectics of chinas comprehensive deepening of reform“macro view” and “micro view” of the economic structure“precision” and “vagueness” in policy choice“return” and “forward” in the direction of transformation“sustainability” and “unsustainability” of development issues“progress” and “synergy” in wealth creationchapter 6 conclusions and forecasts“competitionand “cooperation” in the global pattern“change” and “removal” in chinas developmentreferences

全面深化改革与世界经济(英文版) 作者简介



经济 中国经济 体制改革与市场经济


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