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当代商学概论-双语教学版 本书特色


当代商学概论-双语教学版 内容简介

本书英文版作为国外*畅销的同类教科书之一,一改传统的商学导论(introduction to business)课程教材大而全的风格,以概览式的编写方法,在300余页的篇幅内,以当代的热点问题为视角,通过11个专题,将如何创办新企业、当代关键的商业环境背景,以及企业的生产、营销、财务、人力资源和信息系统等主要职能及活动一一作了清晰的阐述。本书除了对理论深入浅出地进行了阐释,还对生词、术语进行了中文翻译、注释,条理清晰、语言平实、通俗易懂。
karen collins is an associate professor in the college of business and economics at lehigh university. dr. collins developed lehigh's introduction to business course with assistance from an accenture faculty fellowship for excellence in teaching. she has served as its coordinator and has taught sections of the course since its inception in 1997. dr. collins was honored with an innovation in teaching award for the course from the middle atlantic association of colleges of business administration (aacsb regional association of management education deans and program leaders) and also has received a number of teaching awards including the deming lewis faculty award for having the strongest influence on the ten-year graduating class, the stabler award for excellence in teaching for demonstrating superior ability in communicating knowledge to others, and the coopers and lybrand excellence in teaching and learning award given to faculty from four universities who demonstrated innovative teaching techniques. karen collins received her ph.d from virginia tech in accounting with minors in organizational behavior and psychology. she has published in leading accounting and management journals such as accounting, organizations and society, accounting horizons, and journal of vocational behavior. her research areas include stress, work/home conflict, and upward mobility of women. dr. collins is a cpa and practiced in public accounting in the small business area prior to starting her teaching career.

当代商学概论-双语教学版 目录

chapter 1 the foundations of business 企业基础
 introducti on 
  introduction to nike 
 getting down to business 
  business participants and activities 
  external forces that influence business activities 
 what is economics? 
  resources: inputs and outputs 
  economic systems 
 types of competition 
  perfect competition 
  monopolistic competition 
 measuring the health of the economy 
  economic goals 
  economic forecasting 
 government’s role in managing the economy 
  monetary policy
  fiscal policy 
  macroeconomics and microeconomics 
 where we’re headed 
 summary of learning objectives 
 chapter 2 the challenges of starting a business 创办企业的挑战
 what is an entrepreneur? 
  why become an entrepreneur? 
  distinguishing entrepreneurs from small business owners 
 importance of small business to the u.s. economy 
  job creation 
  opportunities for women and minorities 
  how small businesses help large businesses 
 what industries are small businesses in? 
  industries by sector 
 should you start a business? 
  advantages of small business ownership 
  disadvantages of small business ownership 
 starting a business 
  the business idea 
  ownership options 
 the business plan 

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