
首页 > 图书 > 经济管理类图书/2020-06-05 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:曹福亮 著

开 本:27cm





银杏复合经营生态学基础:[英文本] 内容简介

银杏复合经营生态学基础:[英文本] 目录

list of figures
list of tables
list of appendices
chapter 1 general introduction
1.1 background
1.2 objectives
1.3 research strategy
1.4 organization of the book
chapter 2 description of research sites and ginkgo, crop species
2.1 description of research sites
2.2 description of ginkgo, broad bean, rapeseed, and wheat
2.2.1 ginkgo
2.2.2 broad bean
2.2.3 rapeseed
2.2.4 wheat
chapter 3 effects of environmental regimes on physiology and growth of young ginkgo trees in field and greenhouse pot trials
3.1 introduction
3.2 field trial
3.2.1 methods
3.2.2 results
3.3 greenhouse pot trial
3.3.1 methods
3.3.2 results
3.4 discussion
3.4.1 photosynthetic characteristics
3.4.2 chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration
3.4.3 growth and biomass yield
3.4.4 carbon allocation
3.4.5 leaf characteristics
3.5 conclusions
chapter 4 intraspecific competition between young ginkgoes trees in greenhouse pot and field trials
4.1 introduction
4.2 methods
4.2.1 research site
4.2.2 experimental design
4.2.3 measurements
4.2.4 statistical analysis
4.3 results
4.3.1 height and diameter growth
4.3.2 height/diameter ratio
4.3.3 leaf characteristics
4.3.4 biomass production
4.3.5 carbon allocation
4.3.6 net photosynthetic rate and leaf flavonoid concentration
4.3.7 soil nutrient concentration in the pot trial
4.3.8 ginkgo seedling nutrients in the pot trial
4.3.9 ginkgo leaf biomass-based nitrogen use efficiency
4.3.10 difference in physiological and morphological parameters, growth, and biomass production between three- and four-year-old ginkgo seedlings
4.4 discussion
4.4.1 physiological and morphological characteristics
4.4.2 competition and carbon allocation
4.4.3 soil and seedling nutrient concentration
4.5 conclusions
chapter 5 competition and productivity in ginkgo and crop mixtures in a greenhouse trial
5.1 introduction
5.2 methods
5.2.1 plant materials and study sites
5.2.2 experimental design
5.2.3 measurements
5.2.4 statistical analysis
chapter 6 interference between four-year·old ginkgo seedling and crops in field fctoraal experiment trimal
chapter 7 performance of wheat broad bean and rapeseed as inter-crops in ginkgo planttations
chapter 8 conceptual model of ginkgo agrofarestry system
chapter 9 overall concfusions and reconmendations

银杏复合经营生态学基础:[英文本] 作者简介

Following an un-dergraduate degree in Forestry Sciences and an MSc in Silviculture
from Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU), Nanjing, P. R. China,Fuliang Cao (English name Sam) receive dhis PhD in Forest Ecol-ogy at the University of British Columbia, Canada, focusing on Ecological Basis for GinkgoAgroforestry. Since 1982 he has been working as one of the faculty member at NJFU, where he presented courses on silviculture, no-wood products, bamboo forests, methodology for no-wood products research.
For the past twenty years, Dr. Cao has under- taken many key research projects mainly related to the ecophysiology, forest ecology and silviculture of poplar, bamboo and ginkgo. He has published several books titled as Chinese Ginkgo, Ginkgo, Growth Dy- namics of Southern Poplar Clones, Silviculture and Forest Ecology. Since 1992, his research interests have been focused on ginkgo tree species covering many aspects from genetics to physiology, forest ecology,

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