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作者:刘春燕, 内田交谨

开 本:16开





公司治理结构与治理机制研究--基于金融危机股权分置改革的视角(英文) 本书特色


公司治理结构与治理机制研究--基于金融危机股权分置改革的视角(英文) 内容简介

公司治理问题受到学术界和实务界人士的广泛关 注。现有研究关注*多的是西方成熟经济体的公司治 理问题。在新兴市场国家,对中小股东权益的法律保 护相比成熟经济体有所欠缺,如何缓解控股股东对中 小股东财富的侵占问题是公司治理的一个重要话题?br/ 中国公司所有权结构高度集中、存在非流通股,容易 产生大股东对中小股东利益的侵占问题。由刘春燕、 内田交谨*的《公司治理结构与治理机制研究--基于 金融危机股权分置改革的视角》运用中国数据研究公 司治理机制如何保护中小股东利益的问题。具体来说 ,本书研究了以下三个方面的问题:
(1)在全球金融 危机期间公司治理机制对公司市场业绩的影响;
(2) 高管*替后公司市场业绩的长期表现;
(3)公司现金 股利支付与公司所有权结构之间的关系?

公司治理结构与治理机制研究--基于金融危机股权分置改革的视角(英文) 目录

1.1 Motivations for th
1.1.1 Agency conflicts in corporations
1.1.2 Corporate governance devices
1.1.3 Agency conflicts and corporate governance structures in China
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Organization of the book
2.Literature review of corporate governance in
2.1 Ownership structure
2.2 Board of directors
2.3 CEO duality, CEO compensation, and CEO turnover
2.4 External governance mechanisms
2.4.1 Takeover market
2.4.2 Product market competition
2.4.3 Legal infrastructure
2.4.4 Bank monitoring
2.5 Summary of the literature review and
3.Corporate governance and firm value during the global financial crisis.Evidence from
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Hypotheses
3.3 Sample selection and data
3.4 Empirical analyses
3.4.1 Univariate analyses
3.4.2 Regression results
3.5 Additional tests
3.5.1 Differing definitions of financial crisis periods
3.5.2 Deletion of outliers
3.5.3 Pre-erisis period results
3.6 Conclusions
4.Long-term stock performance following top
turnover: Evidence from China
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Hypotheses
4.3 Sample selection and data
4.3.1 Sample selection
4.3.2 Measure of turnover-related stock performance ch
4.4 Empirical results
4.4.1 Stock performance following CEO turnover
4.4.2 Cross-sectional determinants of turnover-related change in stock performance
4.5 Conclusions
5.Controlling shareholder, split-share structure reform and cash dividend payments in
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hypotheses
5.3 Sample selection and data
5.3.1 Sample selection
5.3.2 Variables
5.3.3 Data description
5.4 Empirical results
5.5 Absolute levels of cash dividends, NPTS, and ownership concentration
5.6 Conclusion
6.Conclusion and implicat
致谢 公司治理结构与治理机制研究--基于金融危机股权分置改革的视角(英文)

管理 一般管理学 管理学
