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逐鹿大资管时代-英文版 本书特色


逐鹿大资管时代-英文版 内容简介

    中国证券投资基金业协会首部透视大资管时代下全球金融行业发展前景和动向的重磅之作。     本书契合了中国基金行业不断提升国际化水平的内在需求,涵盖了领航集团、富达国际、信安环球、道富环球、德勤会计师事务所、中国社会科学院、英国剑桥大学等国内外一线金融投资企业、研究机构*新的投资理念、运作模式、翔实案例介绍以及国际监管动态分析,对处在大资管时代的国内资产管理机构与监管部门提供了参考与借鉴。     中国证券监督管理委员会主席助理张育军倾情作序;中国银行业协会专职副会长杨再平、中国证券投资基金业协会兼职副会长范勇宏以及易方达基金刘晓艳、广发基金林传辉、上海重阳投资裘国根、汇添富基金林利军、鹏华基金邓召明、国泰基金金旭、中欧基金窦玉明、信诚基金王俊锋、赢华基金成健等行业领军人物鼎力推荐。     湛庐文化出品。

逐鹿大资管时代-英文版 目录

praise /i
foreword the asset management industry should aim to become the role model for continuous learning and the pioneer of innovation /v
zhang yujun / assistant chairman of china securities regulatory commission
preface managing assets in a new age /xi

part i macro view
01 financial markets: trust, regulation and the rest / 3
professor john board / dean of henley business school
confidence and regulation
does history help?
rebuild confidence

02 global imbalance, debt crisis and china’s challenges / 21
yu yongding / academic of chinese academy of social sciences
global imbalance
the u.s. total debt crisis
america’s measures to address the crisis
china’s challenges

03 global market outlook & development of long term investment culture in china / 33
mark talbot / managing director, fidelity worldwide investment, asia-pacific ex-japan
us leadership
get active
china’s long-term story
customer comes first
2014 analyst survey points to increased ‘animal spirits’

part ii micro view
04 hedge fund developments and real operations / 47
pierre lagrange / chairman of man group’s asia business
introduction to hedge funds
the development and institutionalization of hedge funds
regulatory framework for hedge funds

05 the evolution of the global hedge fund industry and the current regulatory environment / 61
andrew baker / ceo of aima
jiri krol / deputy ceo of aima
andrew baker’s speech
jiri krol’s speechq&a

06 private equity investing: comparing china with the west / 81
professor roger leeds / school of advanced international studies, johns hopkins university
agendaprivate equity introduction
why pe in china/other ems fundamentally different
the biggest pe challenge in china
emerging markets private equity: recent trends & performance

07 the state of the investment management industry / 103
james m. norris / managing director, vanguard international
vanguard’s strategy
four investor-driven trends
fee structure revolution
indexing revolution

08 evolution of the u.s. pension system
f. william mcnabb iii / vanguard chairman and ceo
development phase of the u.s. pension system
pension protection act codified “auto everything”
rise of the target-date funds
major challenges in the u.s. system
regulatory challenges
lessons china can learn during the journey

09 derivatives, options and short selling / 133
nancy davis / cio and managing partner, quadratic capital management llc

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