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商务信息系统与电子商务 本书特色

      信息技术在快速发展和演变,从早期的交易处理系统到管理信息系统再到企业资源计划,一直发展到如今的电子商务,信息技术对商务活动的支持一直没有改变,也正是由于商务活动广泛地采纳和适用信息技术,双方才有今天各自迅猛的发展态势和空间。商务即交易,交易即决策,正确的决策需要信息,在市场环境瞬息万变的今天,决策对信息从准确性、及时性、完整性等方面提出了更高的要求。钟伟编著的《商务信息系统与电子商务(英文版)》正是从这一逻辑出发,阐述商务活动与信息系统相互促进的演进关系,试图给读者建立一个完整的关于信息系统发展的脉络以及其对于商务活动的支持模式。   《商务信息系统与电子商务(英文版)》既可帮助经济管理类专业的学生从管理应用的角度来理解信息系统对商务运营乃至商务战略的支持,也可供相关专业的专家、学者和研究人员等参考。

商务信息系统与电子商务 内容简介

    商务活动中需要大量决策,决策需要信息支持,电子商务改变了企业信息组织的形式、有效性和效率,现代技术进步使得信息技术和商务活动天然地结合起来,并且信息技术在很多方面影响着和创新着商务应用,并催生出大量新的商务模式和类型。 钟伟编著的《商务信息系统与电子商务(英文版)》阐述商务活动与信息系统相互促进的演进关系,试图给读者建立一个完整的关于信息系统发展的脉络以及其对于商务活动的支持模式。

商务信息系统与电子商务 目录

chapter i fundamental of information system  1.1 from data to information to knowledge  1.2 information technology and its evolution  1.3 information systemchapter 2 introduction to business  2.1 what is business  2.2 business model  2.3 business process  2.4 business decision-making, knowledge management and informationchapter 3 the modern global web-based environment  3.1 the global, web-based platform  3.2 new globalization shape on business processes  3.3 information system impacts on business  3.4 competitive advantage and information strategy  appendix a build-to-order productionchapter 4 business information systems  4.1 managing data  4.2 data warehousing  4.3 evolution of business information systems  4.4 business intelligence constituencieschapter 5 network applications  5.1 a brief introduction of network applications  5.2 web 2.0  5.3 e-learning and distance learning  5.4 telecommutingchapter 6 introduction to electronic commerce  6.1 electronic commerce: definitions and concepts  6.2 the ec framework, classification, and content  6.3 ec business models  6.4 benefits of ecchapter 7 electronic marketplaces  7.1 e-marketplaces  7.2 e-marketplaces: from storefronts to portals  7.3 intermediation in e-commerce  7.4 electronic catalogs and other market mechanisms  7.5 auctions as ec market mechanisms  7.6 one-to-many: sell-side e-marketplaces  7.7 one-from-many: buy-side e-marketplaces and e-procurement  7.8 many-to-many: electronic exchangeschapter 8 e-marketing and advertising  8.1 learning about consumer behavior online  8.2 the consumer decision-making process  8.3 one-to-one marketing, loyalty, and trust in ec  8.4 market research for ec  8.5 web advertising  8.6 advertising methodschapter 9 wireless, mobile commerce  9.1 wireless technologies  9.2 wireless computer networks and internet access  9.3 mobile computing and mobile commerce  9.4 pervasive computing  9.5 wireless securitychapter 10 economics and strategy of electronic commerce  10.1 methods and tools for evaluating ec investments  10.2 the economics of ec  10.3 ec strategychapter 11 security issues in business information system  11.1 system vulnerability and abuse  11.2 establishing a framework for security and control  11.3 technologies and tools for protecting information resourceschapter 12 ethical and social issues in business information system  12.1 ethical and social issues related to systems  12.2 ethics in an information society  12.3 the moral dimensions of information systemsreferences   

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管理 电子商务


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