国际贸易实务作者:盛美娟 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787300159690 定价:39.0 出版时间:2012-06-01 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 |
国际贸易实务 内容简介
盛美娟、梁志刚主编的《国际贸易实务》包括4部分,即国际贸易基础、国际货物买卖合同条款、国际货物买卖合同的订立和履行以及国际贸易方式,涵盖了国际贸易实务操作的相关知识并按照国际贸易的流程框架来编排,突出专业性和应用性,强化国际贸易的核心内容,结构完整清晰、布局合理,易学易记。 《国际贸易实务》适用于各高等院校经贸类专业和(商务)英语专业的学生,亦可作为国际贸易从业人员的培训教材。
国际贸易实务 目录
part 1 overview chapter 1 basics of international trade 1.1 brief introduction to international trade 1.2 measurement of international trade 1.3 trade protectionism chapter 2 international trade terms 2.1 generalization of incoterms 2.2 basics of incoterms 2010 2.3 summary of the terms 2.4 brief descriptio of incoterms 2000 2.5 determinants of choice of trade terms part 2 terms of contract chapter 3 goods descriptio and quantity 3.1 name of goods 3.2 quality of goods 3.3 quantity of goods chapter 4 packing and marking 4.1 facto influencing cargo packing 4.2 types of packing 4.3 product bar code on sales package 4.4 marking of goods 4.5 packing clause in a sales contract chapter 5 international cargo traport 5.1 modes of traport 5.2 bill of lading 5.3 clause of shipment chapter 6 cargo iura
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