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外贸英语函电 本书特色


外贸英语函电 目录

前言教学建议Chapter One:Business Letter Writing1.1 Essential Writing Principles of Business Letters1.2 Main Sections in a Business Letter1.3 Writing of Each Section and Their Respective Positions in a Business Letter1.4 The Layout of The Above 10 Sections in a Business Letter 1.5 Different Styles of Business Letters 1.6 Writing EnvelopesExercises 课文翻译:商务信函写作Chapter Two:Establishing Business Relations2.1 Relevant Knowledge about Establishing Business Relations 2.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters2.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:建立业务关系Chapter Three:Enquiries and Reply3.1 Introduction to Enquiries3.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters3.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises课文翻译:询盘及回复Chapter Four:Offers 4.1 Relevant Knowledge about Offers 4.2 The Outline for Offer Letters4.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:报盘Chapter Five:Counteroffers and Reply5.1 Introduction to Counteroffers5.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters5.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:还盘及回复Chapter Six:Orders and Reply6.1 Relevant Knowledge about Orders6.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters6.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:订货及回复Chapter Seven:Sales/Purchase Confirmation 7.1 Background Knowledge about Sales/Purchase Confirmation7.2 Relevant Knowledge about Sales/Purchase Contracts7.3 The Outline for Letters to Confirm Sales or Purchase7.4 Specimen Letters 7.5 Specimen Contracts and ConfirmationsUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:销货/购货的确认Chapter Eight:Terms of Payment8.1 Modes of Payment in International Trade8.2 7he Outline for Letters Negotiating 7erms of Payment8.3 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:付款条件Chapter Nine:Urging Establishment of L/Cs 9.l Relevant Knowledge about L/Cs9.2 Urging the Establishment of L/Cs9.3 The Outline for Letters to Urge Establishment of L/Cs9.4 Specimen Letters Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:催开信用证Chapter Ten:Requesting Amendments to and Extension of L/Cs10.1 Relevant Background Knowledge10.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters10.3 Specimen LettersUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises课文翻译:要求改证和展证Chapter Eleven:Packing11.1 Background Knowledge about Packing11.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters11.3 Specimen LettersUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises课文翻译:包装Chapter Twelve:Shipment12.1 Basic Knowledge about Shipment12.2 Outlines for Relevant Letters12.3 Specimen LettersUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises课文翻译:装运Chapter Thirteen:Insurance 13.1 Relevant Knowledge about Insurance 13.2 Risk Coverage for Marine Cargo TranSponation13.3 Outlines for Relevant Letters13.4 Specimen LettersUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:保险Chapter Fourteen:Complaints.Claims and Settlement 14.1 Relevant Knowledge about Complaints and Claims 14.2 Writing Letters of Complaints or Claims14.3 Writing Replies to Claim Letters14.4 Specimen LettersUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:投诉、索赔及理赔Chapter Fifteen:Selling Agency15.1 Relevant Knowledge about Selling Agency15.2 Introduction to Agency Agreements15.3 Outlines for Letters Concerned with Selling Agency15.4 Specimen Letters15.5 Specimen Agency Agreements Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:销售代理Chapter Sixteen:International Business Contracts/Agreements16.1 Language Features of International Business Contracts/Agreements16.2 Categories of International Business Contract16.3 The Structure of International Business Contracts/Agreements16.4 Specimen Contracts or AgreementsUseful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:国际商务合同/协议Chapter Seventeen:Invitation for Bids and Bid 17.1 Introduction to Bid/Tender 17.2 ClassifiCation Of International Bids 17.3 7he General Procedures of Bidding17.4 Specimen Letters17.5 Specimen Invitation for Bids/Call for Tenders 17.6 Specimen Bids/Tenders Useful Sentences and ExpressionsExercises 课文翻译:招标和投标Keys to ExercisesAppendix 附录A:国际贸易中常用的缩略语附录B:外贸信函中常用的缩略语附录C:《外贸英语函电》常用的术语和短

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