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财务会计(第7版)(英文版)作者:小沃尔特·T.哈里森(Walter T.Harrison Jr.) 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787302232735 定价:72.0 出版时间:2010-08-01 出版社:清华大学出版社 |
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 本书特色
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 内容简介
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 目录
第1章 财务报表
第2章 交易分析
第3章 使用权责发生制计量收入
第4章 内部控制和现金管理
第5章 短期投资和应收账款
第6章 商品存货和销货成本
第7章 固定资产与无形资产
第8章 负债
第9章 股东权益
第10章 长期投资与跨国经营
第11章 损益表与股东权益表
第12章 现金流量表
第13章 财务报表分析
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 节选
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 相关资料
插图:In accounting, the word net refers to an amount after a subtraction. Net incomeis the profit left over after subtracting expenses and losses from revenues and gains.Net income is the single most important item in the financial statements.Revenues. Revenues ao not always carry the term revenue in their titles. For exam-ple, net sales revenue is often abbreviated as net sales. Net sales means sales revenueafter subtracting all the goods customers have returned to the company. Wal-Mart,Best Buy, and Gap get some goods back from customers due to product defects. YUM!Brands and other restauranteurs don't have much in the way of sales returns.YUM! Brands has 2 sources of revenue: company sales (line 1) and fees thatYUM earns by licensing its products to others (line 2).Expenses. Not all expenses have the word expense in their title. For example, YUM!Brands' largest expense is for Food and Paper (line 4). Another tide of this expense isCost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold (also called cost of sales, line 4) represents thecost to YUM of the food it sold to customers. For example, suppose it costs Pizza Hut$3 to make a sausage pizza. Assume Pizza Hut sells the pizza for $10. Sales revenueis $10, and cost of goods sold is $3. Cost of goods sold is the major expense ofmerchandising entities such as Yum, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Safeway (the grocerystore chain).
财务会计(第7版)(英文版) 作者简介
作者:(美国)小沃尔特·T.哈里森(Walter T.Harrison Jr.) (美国)查尔斯·T.亨格瑞(Charles T.Horngren)小沃尔特·T.哈里森(Walter T.Harrison Jr.),美国贝勒大学教授,著名财会专家。查尔斯·T.亨格瑞(Charles T.Horngren),美国斯坦福大学会计学教授,美国会计学界和教育界享有盛誉的杰出学者,会计名人堂成员。
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