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战略管理概论与案例(第8版) 本书特色


战略管理概论与案例(第8版) 目录

前言第1篇 战略管理的输入第1章 什么是战略管理第2章 外部环境:竞争与机遇第3章 内部组织:行动、资源和能力第2篇 战略行动:战略规划第4章 建立并维持竞争优势第5章 业务层战略第6章 公司层战略第7章 收购与重组战略第8章 国际化战略第9章 合作战略第3篇 战略行动:战略执行第10章 公司治理第11章 组织结构与控制第12章 战略领导力第4篇 案例案例1 AMD与英特尔:竞争的挑战案例2 波音:重新界定战略,管理竞争市场案例3 戴尔:从一家低成本的PC制造商成长为一家创新型公司案例4 福特汽车公司案例5 华为:思科的中国对手案例6 微软的多元化经营战略案例7 雀巢:在成熟市场持续增长案例8 沃尔玛公司

战略管理概论与案例(第8版) 节选


战略管理概论与案例(第8版) 相关资料

插图:Managing Cooperative StrategiesAlthough cooperative strategies are an important means of firm growth and enhancedperformance,managing these strategies is challenging.Learning how to effectively man-age cooperative strategies is important however,in that being able to do so can be a sourceof competitive advantage.128 Because the ability to effectively manage cooperative strate-gies is unevenly distributed across organizations in general,assigning managerial respon-sibility for a firm's cooperative strategies to a high-level executive or to a team improvesthe likelihood that the strategies will be well managed.Those responsible for managing the firm's set of cooperative strategies should takethe actions necessary to coordinate activities,categorize knowledge 1earned from previ-OUS experiences,and make certain that what the firm knows about how to effectivelyform and use cooperative strategies is in the hands of the right people at the right time.And firms must learn how to manage both the tangible assets and the intangible assets(such as knowledge)that are involved with a cooperative arrangement.Too often,part-ners concentrate on managing tangible assets at the expense of taking action to also man-age a cooperative relationship’s intangible assets.129Two primary approaches are used to manage cooperative strategies——cost minimization and opportunity maximization”。(see Figure 9.4).In the cost minimization management approach,the firm develops formal contracts with its partners.These contractsspecify how the cooperative strategY is to be monitored and how partner behavior isto be controlled.The TNK-BP joint venture discussed previously is managed throughcontractual agreements.The goal of the cost minimization approach is to minimize thecooperative strategy’s cost and to prevent opportunistic behavior by a partner.The focusof the second managerial approach——opportunity maximizati

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