
首页 > 图书 > 经济管理类图书/2020-06-10 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:(美)汤普森 主编

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公共人事政策经典第三版( 内容简介


公共人事政策经典第三版( 目录


Beginnings: Politics and Public Personnel
Policy 1
1 Americanizing a Foreign Invention: The Pendleton Act of 1883 11
Paul P. Van Riper
2 The Pendleton Act 26
U.S. Congress
3 Merit Systems and Politics 31
Frank J. Goodnow
4 Merit, Morality, and Democracy 34
Frederick C. Mosher

Merit Systems: Triumph, Discontent,
and the Shadow 47
5 The Silent Revolution in Patronage 63
Frank J. Sorauf
6 Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois 72
U.S. Supreme Court
7 The Civil Service: A Meritless System? 87
E. S. Savas and Sigmund G. Ginsburg
8 Position Classification: A Behavioral Analysis for the Public
Service 100
Jay M. Shafritz
9 Merit Pay in the Public Sector: The Case for a Failure of Theory 121
James L. Perry
10 The Personnel Office: Friend or Foe? 135
Carolyn Ban
11 The Illusion of Smallness 157
Paul C. Light
12 The Supreme Court and Private Contractors: Extraas from
O'Hare Truck Service v. City of Northlake and Board of County
Commrs. v. Umbehr 178
U.S. Supreme Court

Merit Systems and Executive
Leadership 187
13 The Idea of a Civil Service: A Third Force? 199
Hugh Heclo
14 The Malek Manual 212
White House Personnel Office
15 Testimony on Civil Service Reform and Organization 227
Alan K. Campbell
16 Leadership for Governance 242
The Volcker Commission
17 The Governor as Leader: Strengthening Public Service Through Executive
Leadership 247
Deborah D. Roberts

Equal Employment Opportunity
and Representation 269
18 The Negro and the Federal Service in an Era of Change 281
Samuel Krislov
19 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, As Amended 302
U.S. Congress (1972)
20 Griggs, et al. v. Duke Power Co. 320
U.S. Supreme Court
21 Through the Glass Ceiling: Prospects for the Advancement of Women
in the Federal Civil Service 328
Katherine C. Naff
22 Cultural Diversity Programs to Prepare for Work Force 2000: What's
Gone Wrong? 346
Norma M. Riccucci

Employee Rights and Labor Relations 353
23 Public Personnel Administration and the Constitution: An Emergent
Approach 367
David H. Rosenbloom
24 Strikes in the Public Service 380
Leonard D. White
25 The Limits of Collective Bargaining in Public Employment 392
Harry H. Wellington and Ralph K. Winter, Jr.
26 The Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government Services:
A Review of Research 412
David T. Methe and James L. Perry
27 Working Together for Public Service 432
U.S. Department of Labor

Toward Reinvention 463
28 Hard Truths/Tough Choices: An Agenda for State and Local
Reform 479
National Commission on the State and Local Public Service
(The Winter Commission)
29 From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That Works Better
and Costs Less 497
National Performance Review
30 People and Performance: Challenges for the Future Public Service--
the Report from the Wye River Conference 521
Patricia W. Ingraham, Sally C. Selden, and Donald P. Moynihan


管理 一般管理学 人力资源/行政管理
