美国文学选读作者:金文宁 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787309101492 定价:40.0 出版时间:2013-11-01 出版社:复旦大学出版社 |
美国文学选读 本书特色
金文宁主编的《美国文学选读》所选作品反映美国文学的经典性与多元特色,也切合中国读者的审美兴趣与阅读习惯。 按体裁分类编排,包括散文、短篇小说、诗歌、戏剧、长篇小说,更贴近读者心目中的文学基本概念,有利于提高学生的阅读积极性。 引导型的美国文学导读,对重要历史时期、流派、作家简明扼要的介绍,帮助学生对美国文学有基本了解并可应对相关文学常识考试。每篇选文均有中文导读,为阅读与教学打开思路、提供切入点。 任务分解型的思考与练习题设置,更符合当代学生学习习惯,强化学生与教师、与文本的互动,使阅读过程与思维训练、语言学习、文学素养提升融为一体。 《美国文学选读》将文学阅读向写作延伸,进一步引导学生思考、强化学生的思维与语言训练。
美国文学选读 目录
unit 1 thomas jefferson
the declaration of independence
unit 2 ralph waldo emerson
self-reliance (excerpt)
unit 3 henry david thoreau
walden (excerpt)
unit 4 abraham lincoln
the gettysburg address
unit 5 william fauikner
the nobel prize acceptance speech
short story
unit 6 native american trickster tales ikto conquers iya, the eater
unit 7 washington irving rip van winkle
unit 8 nathaniel hawthorne
young goodman brown
unit 9 kate chopin
desiree's baby
unit 10 f. scott fitzgerald
babylon revisited
unit 11 william faulkner
a rose for emily
unit 12 ernest hemingway
hills like white elephants
unit 13 bernard malamud
the magic barrel
unit 14 flannery o'connor
a good man is hard to find
unit 15 alice walker
everyday use
unit 16 donald barthelme
the glass mountain
unit 17 edgar allan poe
the raven
unit 18 walt whitman
one's-self i sing
i hear america singing
unit 19 emily dickinson
112 [67] [success is counted sweetest]
269 [249] [wild nights -- wild nights!]
479 [712] [because i could not stop for death
unit 20 robert frost
mending wall
the road not taken
stopping by woods on a snowy evening
unit 21 ezra pound
in a station of the metro
the river-merchant's wife: a letter
unit 22 william carlos williams
the red wheelbarrow
unit 23 langston hughes
the negro speaks of rivers
unit 24 e. e. cummings anyone lived in a pretty how town
unit 25 wallace stevens
thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird
unit 26 allen ginsberg
a supermarket in california
unit 27 sylvia plath
morning song
unit 28 li-young lee
i ask my mother to sing
unit 29 eugene o'neill
long day's journey into night (excerpt)
unit 30 arthur miller
death of a salesman (excerpt)
unit 31 herman melville
moby-dick (excerpt)
unit 32 mark twain
adventures of huckleberry finn (excerpt)
unit 33 wiua cather
my antonia (excerpt)
unit 34 vladimir nabokov
lolita (excerpt)
unit 35 toni morrison
the bluest eye (excerpt)
unit 36 maxine hong kingston
the woman warrior (excerpt)
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