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三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列)作者:约翰·巴肯(Buchan.J.) 开 本:大32开 书号ISBN:9787802187627 定价:25.0 出版时间:2010-07-01 出版社:中国宇航出版社 |
三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列) 本书特色
三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列) 内容简介
三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列) 目录
the 39 steps 三十九级台阶chapter one
the man who died
chapter two
the milkman sets out on his travels
chapter three
the adventure of the literary innkeeper
chapter four
the adventure of the radical candidate
chapter five
the adventure of the spectacled roadman
chapter six
the adventure of the bald archaeologist
chapter seven
the dry-fly fisherman
chapter eight
the coming of the black stone
chapter nine
the thirty-nine steps
chapter ten
various parties converging on the sea
greenmantle john buchan 绿斗篷
chapter one
a mission is proposed
chapter two
the gathering of the missionaries
chapter three
peter pienaar
chapter four
adventures of two dutchmen on the loose
chapter five
further adventures of the same
chapter six
the indiscretions of the same
chapter seven
chapter eight
the essen barges
chapter nine
the remm of the straggler
chapter ten
the garden-house of suliman the red
chapter eleven
the companions of the rosy hours
chapter twelve
four missionaries see light in their mission
chapter thirteen
i move in good society
chapter fourteen
the lady of the mantilla
chapter fifteen
an embarrassed toilet
chapter sixteen
the battered caravanserai
chapter seventeen
trouble by the waters of babylon
chapter eighteen
sparrows on the housetops
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
peter pienaar goes to the wars
chapter twenty-one
the little hill
chapter twenty-two
the guns of the north
三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列) 节选
三十九级台阶(惊悚悬疑系列) 相关资料
I sat up at that, for I had been reading about him that very afternoon.He is the man that has wrecked all their games. He is the one-bigbrain in the whole show, and he happens also to be an honest man.Therefore he has been marked down these twelve months past. I foundthat out-not that it was difficult, for any fool could guess as much. ButI found out the way they were going to get him, and that knowledgewas deadly. That's why I have had to decease. He had another drink, and I mixed it for him myself, for I wasgetting interested in the beggar.'They can't get him in his own land, for he has a bodyguard ofEpirotes that would skin their grandmothers. But on the 15th day ofJune he is coming to this city. The British Foreign Office has taken tohaving International tea-parties, and the biggest of them is due on that~ date. Now Karolides is reckoned the principal guest, and if my friendshave their way he will never return to his admiring countrymen. ''That's simple enough, anyhow,' I said. 'You can warn himand keep him at home. 'And play their game?' he asked sharply. ' II he does not come they win, for he's the only man that can straighten out the tangle. And if his Government are warned he won't come, for he does not know how big the stakes will be on June the 15th. '
小说 惊悚/恐怖
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