系统解剖学-美国医师执照考试-(第4版)作者:[美] 杜德克(Dudek,R.W.),[美] 路易斯(Louis,T.M.) 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787565904813 定价: 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:北京大学医学出版社 |
系统解剖学-美国医师执照考试-(第4版) 内容简介
《美国医师执照考试丛书:high-yield 系统解剖学(第4版)》主要特色:1.内容高度概括,重点突出有利于读者快速掌握学科的核心知识。2.编排新颖、既有基础知识要点的介绍,又有以疾病为核心的综合归纳,并体现了相关学科的横向联系。3.语言规范、地道,既有利于读者快速掌握专业词汇,又有利于医学英语思维的培养。
系统解剖学-美国医师执照考试-(第4版) 目录
1 vertebral column
ⅰ.the vertebral coulumn
ⅳ.vasculalure of the vertebral column
ⅴ.clinical considerations
ⅵ.normal radiology
2 spinal cord and spinal nerves
ⅰ.components of the spinal cord
ⅱ.meninges and spaces
ⅲ.arterial supply of the spinal cord
ⅳ.components of a spinal cord
ⅵ.clinical proceclures
ⅶ.clinical considerafions
3 autonomic nervous system
ⅰ.general features of the nervous system
ⅱ.sympathetic division of the ans (thoracolumbar)
ⅲ.parasympathetic division of the ans (craniosacral)
ⅳ.summary table of sympathetic and parasympathetic motor actions
4 lymphatic system
ⅰ.central lymphatic drainage
ⅱ.summary diagram of specific lymphatic drainage
5 chest wall
ⅰ.general features of the thorax
ⅱ.bones of the thorax
ⅲ.muscles of the thorax
ⅳ.movement of the thoracic wall
ⅴ.arteries of the thorax
ⅵ.veins of the thorax
6 pleura trachcobronechial tree and lungs
7 heart
8 abdominal wall
9 peritoneal cavity
10 abdominal vasculature
考试 医药卫生类职称考试 执业医师考试
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