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国际邮轮实务英语教程作者:程丛喜 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787122264541 定价: 出版时间:2016-06-01 出版社:化学工业出版社 |
国际邮轮实务英语教程 本书特色
《国际邮轮实务英语教程》是普通高等学校邮轮服务与管理专业系列规划教材之一。内容主要包括学习该课程的意义和目标、国际邮轮业发展概论、国际邮轮业多种文化环境中工作和生活的基本情况、国际邮轮工作应知应会的专业英语知识及相关技能、对客服务的技巧、对健康与安全的法定要求、卫生和环保实务与管理及安全实务与管理等,是广大学生和邮轮乘务人员从事国际邮轮业的用书。该教材和国际邮轮实际工作紧密结合,既可作为高等院校旅游管理类专业、英语专业、海乘专业的双语教学用书, 又可作为职业培训或相关专业的参考用书,对学生就业国际化具有重要的现实意义。
国际邮轮实务英语教程 目录
part 1 information for studying this course1.1background for studying this course11.2the target for studying this course3part 2 overview of the cruise industry2.1what is a cruise ship52.2some information on the cruise ships of different times72.2.1ss prinzessin victoria luise72.2.2mv princesa victoria82.2.3mv aurora82.2.4ms oasis of the seas92.3how many cruise ships are active in the world today102.4how many new cruise ships have been or will be put into operation102.5the introduction of some main cruise ship operators112.5.1carnival corporation & plc112.5.2royal caribbean cruises ltd.192.5.3genting hong kong limited222.5.4silversea cruises262.5.5disney cruise line262.5.6mediterranean shipping cruises272.5.7regent seven seas cruises282.6where do passengers mainly come from312.7where do passengers like to travel to312.7.1mediterranean312.7.2canary islands312.7.3scandinavia312.7.4the caribbean sea312.7.5alaska322.8the cruise ship employment322.9who works where322.10the benefits & challenges of “life at sea”342.10.1benefits of “life at sea”342.10.2challenges of “life at sea”35part 3 working on the cruise ship3.1ship?s terminology383.1.1ship?s view & terms383.1.2the terms about the galley line during meal service413.1.3about the dining room433.1.4about the bar set?up473.1.5the terms about the supply and store of food products493.1.6about cleaning on board503.2onboard departments and management structure533.2.1onboard departments533.2.2the general management structure563.2.3the general lines of authority & identification stripes of officers onboard603.3job description onboard623.3.1deck department623.3.2engine deparment663.3.3purser department693.3.4housekeeping department733.3.5food and beverage department773.3.6galley/kitchen department823.3.7cruise staff department873.3.8entertainment department913.3.9medical department (infirmary onboard)943.3.10beauty salon/spa953.3.11photo department983.3.12gift shops department993.3.13casino department1003.3.14other individual jobs1013.4language & communication1053.4.1shipboard language1053.4.2shipboard communication1053.5team work & disciplinary procedure onboard1133.5.1team work1133.5.2disciplinary procedure onboard113part 4 customer service4.1what is customer service1154.2why are our customers important1154.3why is good customer service important1154.4two types of customers?external & internal customers1164.5positive attitude & negative attitude towards passengers, colleagues, supervisors1164.6what is good customer service1174.7what is bad customer service1174.8why do business lose customers1194.9the 4 basic needs of customers1194.10state of mind for offering services to passengers1204.11passengers expectations1204.12the 5 ps1204.13anticipating the customer?s needs1224.14how to satisfy the needs of our guests1254.15art of speaking to passengers1284.16the culture mistakes we should avoid130part 5 hygiene and environmental protection on the cruise ships5.1why should we study hygiene onboard a cruise ship1355.2public health challenges onboard1355.2.1closed micro community1355.2.2dense population1365.2.3international passengers and crew1365.2.4mobile and interactive population1365.2.5rapid turnover1365.2.6variable quality and safety of provision1365.2.7potential for explosive disease outbreaks1365.2.8no standardized medical care system1365.3the definition and importance of food hygiene and safety1375.3.1what is food hygiene1375.3.2what is food safety1375.3.3costs of bad food hygiene1385.3.4bad food hygiene impact on business1385.3.5benefits of good hygiene1385.4the hygiene supervising organizations of cruise ships1405.4.1cieh1405.4.2usph1405.5what is food poisoning1425.5.1what is food poisoning1425.5.2coutaminated food will cause illnesses1425.5.3the main symptoms of food poisoning1425.6food borne diseases1435.6.1what?s food borne disease1445.6.2food poisoning and food borne disease are different1445.7microorganisms1455.7.1bacteria1455.7.2characteristics of bacteria1455.7.3pathogenic bacteria1455.7.4spoilage bacteria1465.7.5useful (or helpful) bacteria1465.7.6growth of bacteria1465.7.7conditions for bacterial growth1465.7.8high risk foods1475.7.9safe or low risk foods1485.7.10dealing with poultry safely1485.7.11avoiding food danger1495.7.12bacterial spores1505.7.13main food poisoning bacteria1505.8contamination of food1555.8.1where do bacteria come from1555.8.2how do bacteria get into food1565.8.3identify the three types of contamination1565.8.4prevention of contamination1575.8.5avoid cross contamination by cleaning1575.8.6preventing cross contamination during food and drink service1575.8.7the ten main reasons for food poisoning1575.8.8the food poisoning chain1585.9food preservation and personal hygiene1595.9.1food preservation1595.9.2personal hygiene1605.10premises1625.10.1premises design and construction1625.10.2cleaning premises and equipments1635.11pest control1655.11.1the main pests1665.11.2pests should be effectively controlled1665.11.3reasons for attracting pests to food premises1665.11.4cockroaches1665.11.5houseflies1675.12food waste disposal and food safety law1685.12.1food waste disposal1685.12.2food safety law1685.13environmental protection1705.13.1the shipboard organizational structure1705.13.2applicable environmental laws1705.13.3environmental aspects & impacts1705.13.4waste disposal171part 6 safety practice on the cruise ships6.1general safety precautions—all departments1756.2safety precautions for cabins stewards and cleaners(housekeeping)department1786.3safety precautions for dealing with substances hazardous to health1806.3.1how to deal with substances hazardous to health1806.3.2how do hazardous substances enter your body1816.3.3safety practices for dealing with hazardous substances1826.4personal booklet1836.5safety training induction programme195appendix 1 general rules & regulations for officers,staff & crew onboardappendix 2 disciplinary rules,regulations & proceduresappendix 3 code of appearance for crew members onboard appendix 4 ism code bookletappendix 5 basic interview questions about cruise shipsappendix 6 the pictures of different cruise ships参考文献
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