英美文学敦程[ 英国卷]

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英美文学敦程[ 英国卷]

英美文学敦程[ 英国卷]


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英美文学敦程[ 英国卷] 本书特色


英美文学敦程[ 英国卷] 目录

Port One Early and Medieval Period
Chapter 1 Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Chapter 2 Anglo-Norman Poetry
Chapter 3 Poetry in the Age of Chaucer
Chapter 4 The Fifteenth Century Poetry
Part Two The Sixteenth Century
Chapter 1 The Renaissance in England
Chapter 2 Sir Thomas Wyatt
Chapter 3 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Chapter 4 Sir Philip Sidney
Chapter 5 Edmund Spenser
Chapter 6 Sir Walter Ralegh前言
Port One Early and Medieval Period
Chapter 1 Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Chapter 2 Anglo-Norman Poetry
Chapter 3 Poetry in the Age of Chaucer
Chapter 4 The Fifteenth Century Poetry
Part Two The Sixteenth Century
Chapter 1 The Renaissance in England
Chapter 2 Sir Thomas Wyatt
Chapter 3 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
Chapter 4 Sir Philip Sidney
Chapter 5 Edmund Spenser
Chapter 6 Sir Walter Ralegh
Chapter 7 Christopher Marlowe
Chapter 8 William Shakespeare
Chapter 9 Ben Jonson
Part Three The Seventeenth Century
Chapter 1 Revolution and Restoration
Chapter 2 Metaphysical Poets
Chapter 3 Cavalier Poets
Chapter 4 John Milton
Part Four The Eighteenth Century
Chapter 1 General View of the 18th-century English Poetry
Chapter 2 Alexander Pope
Chapter 3 Thomas Gray
Chapter 4 William Collins
Chapter 5 ()liver Goldsmith
Chapter 6 William Blake
Chapter 7 Robert Burns
Part Five The Romantic Period
Chapter 1 The English Romantic Movement
Chapter 2 William Wordsworth
Chapter 3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Chapter 4 George Gordon Byron
Chapter 5 Percy Bysshe Shelley
Chapter 6 John Keats
Part Six The Victorian Age
Chapter 1 General View of the English Poetry
Chapter 2 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Chapter 3 Alfred Tennyson
Chapter 4 Robert Browning
Chapter 5 Matthew Arnold
Chapter 6 Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Part seven The Twentieth Century
Chapter 1 General View of the English Poetry
Chapter 2 Thomas Hardy
Chapter 3 Gerard Manley Hopkins
Chapter 4 A. E. Housman
Chapter 5 William Butler Yeats
Chapter 6 Thomas Stearns Eliot
Chapter 7 Rupert Brooke
Chapter 8 Robert Graves
Chapter 9 Wystan Hugh Auden
Chapter 10 Philip Larkin
Chapter 11 Dylan Thomas
Chapter 12 Ted Hughes
Chapter 13 Seamus Heaney
Part Eight Evolution of the English Novel
Chapter 1 The Rise of the English Novel
Chapter 2 Aphra Behn
Part Nine The Eighteenth Century English Novel
Chapter 1 The Rapid Growth of the English Novel
Chapter 2 Daniel Defoe
Chapter 3 Jonathan Swift
Chapter 4 Samuel Richardson
Chapter 5 Henry Fielding
Chapter 6 Oliver Goldsmith
Part Ten The Nineteenth Century
Chapter 1 The Prosperous Period in Novel Writing
Chapter 2 Jane Austen
Chapter 3 Walter Scott
Chapter 4 Charles Dickens
Chapter 5 William Makepeace Thackeray
Chapter 6 Charlotte Bronte
Chapter 7 Emily Bronte
Chapter 8 George Eliot
Chapter 9 Thomas Hardy
Part Eleven The Twentieth Century
Chapter 1 The Development of the English Novel
Chapter 2 John Galsworthy
Chapter 3 Joseph Conrad
Chapter 4 E. M. Forster
Chapter 5 Virginia Woolf
Chapter 6 James Joyce
Chapter 7 D. H. Lawrence

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