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商务英语应用文写作与翻译 本书特色

本书是根据大学选修课的要求及特点,结合对象群体的就业需求, 供一学期使用的全校性选修课教材. 它是一本适合任何专业学生的实用型教科书,它介绍各类常见商业英语应用文的格式、基本框架、语言特点、语言形式,配与实例范文让学生进行一定量的写作演练; 注重外贸合同条款的阅读与理解, 配有大量的翻译练习. 实践证明, 它对学生走出校门,尤其是即将进入合资企业工作的大学生来说具有立竿见影的实用指导价值。

商务英语应用文写作与翻译 目录

part one  secretarial writings
chapter 1  note
     1. definition
     2. kinds of note
     3. examples of notes/signs
     4. writing assignment***
chapter 2  notice
      1. the general inforrnation
     2. the writing guide
     3. model expressions
     4. examples of various notice
     5. writing assignment
chapter 3  poster
      1. what's poster7
     2. the writing instruction
      3. examples of poster
      4. writing assignment
chapter 4  announcement
      1. the general information
      2. model expressions
      3. examples of various announcements
      4. writing assignment
chapter 5  report
      1. the general information
      2. model expressions
      3. examples of business reports
      4. writing assignment
chapter 6  memorandum (memo)
      1. memo and the structure
      2. about the writing
      3. examples of memos
      4. writing assignment
chapter 7  agenda
      1. introduction of agenda
      2. examples of agenda
      3. some expressions (of amendments)
chapter 8  minutes
      1. introduction of minutes
      2. the written form of minutes
      3. examples of minutes
      4. writing assignment
chapter 9  application
      1. tips of writing a job application
      2. how to write an application effectively
      3. examples of applications
      4. writing assignment ***
chapter 10  resume
      1. introduction of sum
      2. example of sum
      3. writing assignment
chapter 11  recommendation
      1. the contents involved
      2. the usual sentences in the letter
      3. letters of self-recommendation
     4. examples of recommendations
chapter 12  letters of introduction
      1. two kinds of introduction letters
     2. the beginning words of the letter
     3. examples of official letters
     4. examples of personal letters
     5. writing assignment
chapter 13  certificate
     1. introduction of certificate
     2. the usual expressions
     3. examples of certificates
     4. about notarial certificates
     5. commercial certificates
     6. writing assignment
chapter 14  letters of resignation
     1. about the writing
     2. example of a letter of resignation
     3. writing assignment
chapter 15  advertisement
     1. language characteristics
     2. ads. in purchases and sales (with chinese translation)
     3. ads. for vacancy
     4. usual abbreviation in ads.
     5. writing assignment***

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