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现代控制理论作者:Zhang Yi,Zhang Qingl 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787030412522 定价: 出版时间:2014-07-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
4.3 the realization of transfer function matrix of mimo control systems
4.4 the minimal realization
4.5 irreducible realization by matlab
4.6 exercises
chapter 5 stability
5.1 definitions
5.2 stability criteria
5.2.1 routh criterion
5.2.2 root locus method
5.2.3 the first method of lyapunov
5.2.4 the second method of lyapunov
5.2.5 krasovsky discriminance
5.2.6 variable gradient method
5.3 application of matlab in stability
5.4 exercises
chapter 6 feedbacks
6.1 definitions
6.1.1 state feedbacks
6.1.2 output feedbacks
6.1.3 derivative feedback
6.2 the effects of controllability and observability by feedback
6.2.1 state feedbacks
6.2.2 output feedbacks
6.3 pole assignment
6..3.1 siso case
6.3.2 mimo case
6.4 stabilization
6.5 decoupling
6.5.1 the statement of decoupling control problem
6.5.2 necessary and sufficient conditions for decoupling systems with the state feedback
6.6 application of matlab in feedback
6.6.1 state feedback and pole assignment by matlab
6.6.2 decoupling by matlab
6.7 exercises
chapter 7 observers
7.1 basic concepts
7.2 dimensional state observers
7.3 reduced-dimensional state observers
7.4 feedback system with state observers
7.5 design state observers by matlab
7.6 exercises
chapter 8 optimal control
8.1 optimal control problems
8.1.1 examples
8.1.2 description of optimal control problems
8.2 the calculus of variations to the optimal control
8.2.1 the basis of yhnctional and variation
8.2.2 the eulerian equation
8.2.3 conditional extremum
8.2.4 the calculus of variation
8.3 linear quadratic regulator problems
8.3.1 the statement of lqr
8.3.2 the finite-time state regulator problems
8.3.3 the infinite-time state-regulator problems
8.3.4 the output-regulator problems
8.3.5 the tracking problems
8.4 the application of matlab in optimal control problems.-
8.5 exercises

教材 研究生/本科/专科教材 工学
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