场景英语口语:1:Book 1

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场景英语口语:1:Book 1

场景英语口语:1:Book 1


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场景英语口语:1:Book 1 内容简介


场景英语口语:1:Book 1 目录

 unit one frame说框架
lesson 1 what's this?这是什么?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 2 what do you have?你有什么?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 3 what does the stone look like?这块石头像什么?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 4 what do you like?你喜欢什么?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 5 what does he do?他做什么?
part a sample
part b practice
unit two details说细节
lesson 6 what time is it?几点钟了?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 7 it's a lovely swallow.它是可爱的燕子。
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 8 where are you going?你去哪里?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 9 where is the basket?篮子放在哪里?
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 10 there is a pair ofpliers in the case.箱里有一把老虎钳。
part a sample
part b practice
unit thrce statc说状态
lesson 11 the flowers smell fragrant.鲜花闻起来很香。
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 12 an eagle feels thirsty.老鹰感到口渴了。
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 13 the fish swims freely.鱼儿自由地游泳。
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 14 i watch the bird carefully.我仔细观察这只鸟。
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 15 i use a knife to peel the pear.我用刀子削梨。
part a sample
part b practice
unit four pcrsons说人物
lesson 16 scene说场景
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 17 profession说职业
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 18 dressing讲穿着
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 19 body讲身体
part a sample
part b practice
lesson20 health讲健康
part a sample
part b practice
unit five living讲生活
lesson 21 food讲食品
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 22 fruits讲水果
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 23 houses讲房屋
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 24 furniture讲家具
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 25 traveling讲旅行
part a sample
part b practice
unit six product讲产品
lesson 26 packing讲包装
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 27 quality讲质量
part a sample
pan b practice
lesson 28 price讲价钱
pan a sample
part b practice
lesson 29 function讲功用
part a sample
part b practice
lesson 30 style讲款式
pan a sample
pan b practice 场景英语口语:1:Book 1

教材 高职高专教材


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