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土木工程专业英语 本书特色

本书属于《普通高校土木工程专业系列精品规划教材》,内容包括16章,各章内容既相互联系、又相对独立。每章包括阅读课文、生词和短语、难句分析、和练习题。本书选材遵循下列基本原则:相关性、权威性、新颖性和广泛性。相关性原则要求教材内容与土木工程、工程管理、项目管理密切相关,权威性原则要求教材内容选自国外权威学者、机构的英文原著,新颖性原则要求教材内容尽可能选自国外学者、机构*近5年发表的著作,广泛性原则要求教材内容涉及基础工程、道路工程、铁道工程、隧道工程、桥梁工程、房建工程及其项目管理。 本书可作为高等院校土木工程、工程管理、项目管理专业本科生、研究生的专业英语教材。对于有志提高自身科技英语阅读、翻译和写作水平的理工科其他专业师生、工程技术人员和工程管理人员,本书亦有重要参考价值。

土木工程专业英语 目录

chapter 1 spread footings and driven pilefoundations (1)

1.1 spread footings (1)

1.2 driven piles (2)

1.3 factors to be considered in selectingpiles (5)


2 flexible pavements (8)

2.1 conventional flexible pavements (8)

2.2 fulldepth asphalt pavements (10)

2.3 contained rock asphalt mats (11)


chapter 3 the railway cross section (14)

3.1 ballast (14)

3.2 crossties or sleepers (15)

3.3 rails (16)

3.4 tie plates (16)

3.5 fastenings (17)

3.6 rail anchors (17)

3.7 rail joints (17)


chapter 4 new austrian tunneling method (21)

4.1 introduction (21)

4.2 historical aspects of natm (21)

4.3 general concepts of natm (22)

4.4 scope of application of natm (24)

4.5 concluding remarks (25)


chapter 5 the analysis of controlled deformations (adeco)and its advantages 28)

5.1 adeco approach (28)

5.2 advantages of the adeco approach oversequential excavation and natm (31)

5.3 conclusions (32)

chapter 6  productivemodeling for development of asbuilt bim of existing indoor structures (37)

6.1 introduction (37)

6.2 conventional methods (38)

6.3 proposed approach (40)

6.4 experiments and results (41)

6.5 conclusions (47)


7 technology development in construction: a continuum from distant past into the future (52)

7.1 introduction (52)

7.2 creativity and technology (54)

7.3 historical retrospective (56)

7.4 linking the present to the past (57)

7.5  innovation environment in constructiontechnology and possible way forward (61)

chapter 8 life cycle design and prefabricationin buildings: a review and case studies in hong kong 

chapter 9 construction assessment and longterm prediction of prestressed concrete bridges based on monitoring data (85)

chapter 10 revised casebased reasoning model development based on multiple regression analysis for railroad bridge construction (109)



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