物流英语作者:张玲 开 本:其它 书号ISBN:9787302387572 定价: 出版时间:2014-12-01 出版社:清华大学出版社 |
物流英语 本书特色
张玲主编的这本《物流英语》分为三个部分:**部分为物流基础知识,分为10个单元,以基本的物流活动为主线,涵盖了物流系统中各环节的专业英语知识,具体包括物流概述、运输、仓储管理、库存控制、包装、配送、信息技术、采购、第三方物流和逆向物流及供应链管理的基本知识;第二部分为相关的商务信函,具体包括商务信函的基本结构、商务信函的电子形式和相关物流商务信函实例;第三部分是常用的国际物流单证范例。物流基础知识部分的每个单元都包含呼应本单元主题的专业术语以及听、说、读、写、译等学习和训练内容,全方位培养和提高学生的物流英语应用能力,突出高等职业教育的特点。 本书可作为高职院校物流专业英语教材,也可作为物流从业人员自学的材料
物流英语 目录
part one basic knowledge about logisticsunit 1 introduction to logistics
learning objectives
logistics terms
section ⅰ lead-in: speaking
section ⅱ reading
reading activity 1 the definition of logistics
reading activity 2 the components of logistics system
reading activity 3 the history of logistics
section ⅲ listening
section ⅳ speaking
dialogue 1
dialogue 2
dialogue 3
case study
unit 2 transportation
learning objectives
logistics terms
section ⅰ lead-in: speaking
section ⅱ reading
reading activity 1 the function of transportation
reading activity 2 five modes of transportation
reading activity 3 container transportation
section ⅲ listening
section ⅳ speaking
dialogue 1
dialogue 2
dialogue 3
case study
unit 3 warehousing management
learning objectives
logistics terms
section ⅰ lead-in: speaking
section ⅱ reading
reading activity 1 types of warehouses
reading activity 2 the functions of warehouse
reading activity 3 principles of warehousing management
section ⅲ listening
section ⅳ speaking
dialogue 1
dialogue 2
dialogue 3
case study
unit 4 inventory control
learning objectives
logistics terms
section ⅰ lead-in: speaking
section ⅱ reading
reading activity 1 the definition and purpose of inventory
reading activity 2 the classifications of inventory
reading activity 3 abc analysis of inventory
section ⅲ listening
unit 5 logistics packaging
unit 6 distribution
unit 7 logistics information technology
unit 8 purchasing
unit 9 third-party logistics and reverse logistics
unit 10 supply chain management
教材 高职高专教材
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