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市营销学基础-(双语教材)作者:乔东 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787313135315 定价: 出版时间:2015-07-01 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 |
市营销学基础-(双语教材) 本书特色
乔东主编的《市场营销学基础》是根据《市场营销学》双语教学需要编写的。全书涵盖了市场营销学中*重要的理论知识与方法,包括概论、产品营销、价格营销、渠道营销和促销五个单元共11章。每一章都包括一个精选案例,还附有部分生词的注释和课后的思考题。 本书既适合普通本科高校学生学习,也适合以英语方式学习市场营销学的自学者和企业市场营销的从业者使用。
市营销学基础-(双语教材) 目录
unit 1 introduction(导论) chapter 1 market and marketing(市场与营销) case:amazon ⅰ.definition of marketing ⅱ.marketing management philosophies ⅲ.marketing landscape chapter 2 consumer market(消费者市场) case:gopro ⅰ.model of consumer behavior ⅱ.characteristics affecting consumer behavior ⅲ.buyer decision process ⅳ.buyer decision process for new productunit 2 product(产品) chapter 3 product marketing(产品营销) case:nike ⅰ.definition of product ⅱ.product decisions ⅲ.services marketing ⅲ.branding strategy chapter 4 new-product marketing(新产品营销) case:samsung ⅰ.new-product development strategy ⅱ.new.product development process ⅲ.product life-cycle strategiesunit 3 price(价格) chapter 5 pricing marketing(价格营销) case:jcpenney ⅰ.definition of price ⅱ.factors affecting pricing decisions ⅲ.general pricing approaches chaipter 6 pricing str ategies(价格策略) case:panera bread ⅰ.new—product pricing strategies ⅱ.product mix pricing strategies ⅲ.price adjustment strategies ⅳ.price changesunit 4 place(渠道) chapter 7 channel marketing(渠道营销) case:netflix ⅰ.nature and importance of marketing channels ⅱ.channel behavior and organization ⅲ.channel design decisions ⅳ.channel management decisions chaipter 8 retailing and whouesaling(零售与批发) case:walmart ⅰ.retailing ⅱ.wholesalingunit 5 promotion(促销) chapter 9 advertising and public relations(广告与公共关系) case:allstate ⅰ.promotion mix ⅱ.advertising ⅲ.public relations chapter 10 personal selling and sales promotion(人员销售与销售促进) case:ibm ⅰ.personal selling ⅱ.managing the sales force ⅲ.personal selling process ⅳ.sales promotion chapter 11 direct and online marketing(直销与网络营销) case:facebook ⅰ.growth and benefits of direct marketing ⅱ.forms of direct marketing ⅲ.online marketing ⅳ.corporate culture and marketingbibliography(参考文献)
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