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集装箱检验与维修-(英汉双语教材) 本书特色

本书分为4个单元共15章,内容包括 container types and design i;container types and design ii; container construction and dimensions; causes of damage during transport; introduction to container inspection;criteria for repair worthy damage and wear;when and how much to repair;   general repair methods and principles,inspection procedure and measurement tools; usual method of measuring bends, dents and/or bows; "space out/measure back" method of measuring bends;dents and/orbows, method of measuring damage to check “envelope”limits; container cleanliness inspection and cleaning; criteria for container cleanliness; cleaning methods;condition photographs and recommended action;附录等。   本书可作为高职高专集装箱运输管理、国际航运业务管理、物流管理、港口业务管理、报关与国际货运、国际航运保险与公估等航运物流类专业的英语双语教材。

集装箱检验与维修-(英汉双语教材) 内容简介

(1)本书是一本英语双语教材,每章开头设英文导言,章后有词汇表、难句的中文注释。   (2)章后有针对专业知识技能的习题。

集装箱检验与维修-(英汉双语教材) 目录

unit 1 basic knowledge
chapter 1 container types and design i
chapter 2 container types and design ii
chapter 3 container construction and dimensions
chapter 4 causes of damage during transport
unit 2 container dimensional inspection and repair
chapter 5 introduction to container inspection
chapter 6 criteria for repair worthy damage and wear
chapter 7 when and how much to repair
chapter 8 general repair methods and principles
unit 3 container damage measurement
chapter 9 inspection procedure and measurement tools
chapter 10 usual method of measuring bends, dents and/or bows
chapter 11 “space out/measure back”method of measuring bends, dents and/or
chapter 12 method of measuring damage to check “envelope” limits
unit 4 container cleanliness inspection and cleaning
chapter 13 criteria for container cleanliness
chapter 14 cleaning methods
chapter 15 condition photographs and recommended action

集装箱检验与维修-(英汉双语教材) 作者简介



教材 研究生/本科/专科教材


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