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实用商务英语教程 本书特色

    作为选修课教材,本书在编排设计上不仅广泛听取了本课程一线任课教师的意见,也考虑了来自学生的需求反馈,努力在各方面做到既适应作为一门课程的课堂教学的要求又能满足应试备考的需要。本书的宗旨是讲解简明扼要、突出实用,材料务求经典,注重精讲多练,使教师用起来方便顺手,学生用起来切实有效,从而得到*大的收获。 杨盈、郭虹宇主编的《实用商务英语教程》根据选修课学时的数量,将内容分为八章。每一章的内容大致需要三到四个课时,在材料上略有余量,教师可根据实际情况处理。全书以susan’s journal作为主线,贯穿apply for a job,get hired,get promoted,meet a new customer,get the best deal,succeed in making a deal,develop new sales和problem solving八大主题。每个单元围绕主题,分为leading—in,hot words,intensive reading,supplementary reading,listening&speaking,appliedwriting,cultural tips及case study八个板块。本书集时代性、实用性、新颖性于一体,将商务知识介绍、英语语言练习、跨文化知识引入、商务案例分析等商务沟通基本技能融为一体,旨在培养学生在跨文化商务语境下用英语沟通、协调和解决问题的能力。

实用商务英语教程 目录

unit 1  apply for a job
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (1) applying for a job
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: how to apply for a job
  d. supplementary reading
  e. listening & speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: interviewing across cultures
  h. case study: akiyama's job interview in an american chemical company
unit 2  get hired
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (2) working as a sales assistant
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: job description of sales assistants
  d. supplementary reading: how to describe products/services
  e. listening&speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: cultural awareness in the multicultural workplace
  h. case study: how much is hard work?
unit 3  get promoted
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (3) sales executive: a long way to go
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: keeping your sales team motivated
  d. supplementary reading: how to turn a group into a team
  e. listening&speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: collectivism vs. individualism in the workplace
  h. case study: a meeting in mexico
unit 4  meet a new customer
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (4) : meeting a new customer
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: meeting a new customer
  d. supplementary reading
  e. i.istening&speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: interviewing across cultures
  h. case study: take you to understand abc company
unit 5  get the best deal
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (5) : to get the best deal. it's skillful!
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: common business negotiation style
  d. supplementary reading: top 10 effective negotiation skills
  e. listening&speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: negotiating in china
  h. case study: who has the final say in negotiations
unit 6  succeed in making a deal
  a. lead-in: susan's journal (6) : here comes the first contract!
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading: how to write a business contract
  d. supplementary reading
  e. listening&speaking
  f. applied writing
  g. cultural tips: interviewing across cultures
  h. case study: business is business
unit 7  develop new sales strategies
  a. lead-in: suan's journal (7) we need updating! we need innovation!
  b. hot words
  c. intensive reading
  d. supplementary reading
  e. listening&speaking
  f. applied writing  ~
  g. cultural tips: how to cross cultural barriers in international marketing
  h. case study: finding an interested buyer
unit 8  problem solving
  a. lead in: susan's journal (8) get problems solved, now or never

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