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电子商务英语教程作者:王晔 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787562468615 定价: 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:重庆大学出版社 |
电子商务英语教程 内容简介
《高等院校电子商务专业本科系列教材:电子商务英语教程》旨在使读者掌握电子商务专业领域的英语术语,培养和提高读者阅读和翻译专业英语文献资料的能力,《高等院校电子商务专业本科系列教材:电子商务英语教程》由16个单元和补充阅读组成,涵盖了电子商务领域的基本理论、基本知识、基本技术和基本应用,所选话题包括电子商务模式、电子商务营销、电子商务广告战略、支付、互联网协议、供应链、安全问题、法律问题、电子商务经济学、电子商务管理、信息经济、应用问题、移动商务、团购。每主题单元由主课文、副课文、词汇、注解和习题构成。 《高等院校电子商务专业本科系列教材:电子商务英语教程》可以作为电子商务专业、信息管理专业、市场营销专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为《电子商务概论》课程的英语教材。
电子商务英语教程 目录
unit 1 electronic commerce theory
text a overview of electronic commerce
text b advantages and disadvantages of electronic commerce
unit 2 electronic business model
text a nine business models on the web
text b a case: the success of taobao in china
unit 3 advertising strategies
text a advertising methods on the web
text b advertisement strategies
unit 4 electronic marketing structure and direct marketing
text a overview of electronic marketing structure
text b direct marketing
unit 5 electronic commerce payment
text a electronic money and internet bank
text b e-commerce payment system
unit 6 internet and protocols
text a computer networks
text b the tcp/ip protocol suite
unit 7 supply chain and logistics
text a supply chain and logistics in electronic commerce
text b the logistics gaps in china
unit 8 electronic commerce security
text a electronic commerce security technology
text b a case: bibliofind company
unit 9 security issues in electronic commerce
text a internet e-commerce security
text b creating and maintaining brands on the web
unit 10 issues in the law of e-commerce
text a the law of e-commerce
text b other legal issues
unit 1! economics of electronic commerce
text a interaction of economics and e-commerce
text b e-commerce changes the economics of search
unit 12 electronic commerce and information economy
text a the evolving information economy
text b the information economy and competitive advantage ofenterprises: a value chain analysis
unit 13 application of e-commerce
text a application of e-commerce in enterprise
text b the cases of harley-davidson and ge
unit 14 mobile business
text a mobile payment
text b a case—paypal
unit 15 electronic commerce management
text a electronic commerce strategies
text b designing trust into online experiences
unit 16 group buying and how it works
text a group buying
text b does group-shopping work?——the economics of mercata andmobshop
f urther reading : e-commerce 2009 ( e-commerce report of u.s.a.)

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