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作者:徐淑芳,李建群 主编

开 本:16开





实用护理英语-第3版 内容简介

  《实用护理英语》自2003年初版、2009年修订再版以来,由于内容实用、编排考究而受到读者的欢迎,已多次印刷,发行量达36 000余册。不仅许多院校作为高等护理教育的教材使用,也有很多有志于提高英语水平的临床护理人员作为自修教材。   为与时俱进,满足护理英语高等教育和自学者的需求,本书第3版在广泛征求使用单位的专家学者及部分在校学生的建议后,在保持第2版特色的基础上,对第2版的部分内容作了一些调整、增补;但整体上仍立足于护理的新概念、新知识、新方法介绍,坚持科学性、实用性、前瞻性、可读性、趣味性原则,注重听、说、写、译能力全方位的培养。

实用护理英语-第3版 目录

unit 1
 dialogue : registration
 text : hospitals
 reading materials
 a. the medical staff
 b. a modern hospital
unit 2
 dialogue: clinic and treatment room
 text: the lady with the lamp
 reading materials
 a. international red cross and its founder
 b. american red cross
unit 3
 dialogue: consulting room
 text: roles and functions of the nurse
 reading materials
 a. administering medications
 b. scrubbing
unit 4
 dialogue: filling in admission card
  text: admitting a client to a nursing division
  reading materials
  a. safety and accuracy
  b. emergency care
unit 5
  dialogue : trauma
  text: finding the right words
  reading materials
  a. observing and describing the wound
  b. wound care
unit 6
  dialogue : abortion
  text: nursing diagnostic process
  reading materials :
  a. locating intramuscular injection sites
  b. intravenous infusions
unit 7
 dialogue: introducing environment
 text: communication and the nursing process
 reading materials :
 a. administering oral medications
 b. giving injections
unit 8
 dialogue: introducing regulations
 text: gerontologic nursing
 reading materials
 a. how to write a case report
 b. a sample of complete history
unit 9
 dialogue: penicillin allergy test
 text: a pharmacist's guide to treating pediatric cough
 reading materials-
 a. when breast-feeding fails
 b. risk-free blood test for unborn babies
unit 10
  dialogue : appendicitis
  text: surgical intensive care unit
  reading materials :
  a. burn wound care
  b. improved compliance with quality assurance markers duringtrauma room
 resuscitation using trauma nurse specialists
unit 11
  dialogue: before discharge
  text: the hospice movement brings relief to the dying
  reading materials
  a. code of ethics
  b. how love heals
unit 12
  a. place an intravenous tube
  b. intravenous puncture
unit 13
unit 14
unit 15
unit 16
unit 17
unit 18
unit 19
unit 20
glossary 实用护理英语-第3版

教材 研究生/本科/专科教材 医学


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