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作者:黄星 赵忠兴 主编

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机电一体化专业英语(第二版) 本书特色

1) 从岗位特性入手,构建内容体系,内容围绕说和译展开。

机电一体化专业英语(第二版) 内容简介

  本书系高职高专专业阶段的英语教材,旨在满足机电一体化及相关专业学生和行业从业人员学习专业英语的需要。   本书是依照高职高专的培养目标及企业的实际情况,突出“实用、可用、好用”的原则,在内容编排上突出“贴近企业,贴近实际,贴近岗位”的要求,并力求通俗、易懂、好学、用得上。全书含10个单元,每个单元都包含一些与生产岗位紧密结合的英语实用实例。   本书既可作为高职高专、成人高校及相关院校的专业英语教材,也可用作企业培训的教材,还可供有关的教师和学生及技术人员学习参考。

机电一体化专业英语(第二版) 目录

目 录

unit 1 basic mechanical technology 1
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 1
 passage a lathe accessories (i) 1
  notes 4
  new words 5
  phrases and expressions 7
 passage b lathe accessories (ii) 8
  new words 10
  phrases and expressions 12
part ⅱ glance at conventional machine tool structures 13
part ⅲ simulated writing 15
 section a match your skill 15
 section b have a try 16
part ⅳ broaden your horizon——practical activity 18

unit 2 metal materials and metal forming 20
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 20
 passage a metal materials 20
  notes 24
  new words 24
  phrases and expressions 26
 passage b sheet metal forming 27
  new words 31
  phrases and expressions 32
part ⅱ glance at conventional machine tool structures 34
part ⅲ simulated writing 35
 section a match your skill 35
 section b have a try 37
part ⅳ broaden your horizon——practical activity 38

unit 3 machining operations and turning machines 41
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 41
 passage a machining operations 41
  notes 44
  new words 44
  phrases and expressions 45
 passage b turning machines 46
  new words 49
  phrases and expressions 50
part ⅱ glance at conventional machine tool structures 51
part ⅲ simulated writing 53
 section a match your skill 53
 section b have a try 54
part ⅳ broaden your horizon——practical activity 55

unit 4 hydraulic machinery and forging equipment 60
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 60
 passage a hydraulic machinery 60
  notes 63
  new words 64
  phrases and expressions 65
 passage b forging equipment 66
  new words 69
  phrases and expressions 70
part ⅱ glance at conventional machine tool structures 72
part ⅲ simulated writing 74
 section a match your skill 74
 section b have a try 76
part ⅳ broaden your horizon——practical activity 77

unit 5 introduction to cnc machine and cam design 79
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 79
 passage a basics of computer numerical control 79
  notes 82
  new words 82
  phrases and expressions 83
 passage b designing parts with cam alibre 85
  new words 88
  phrases and expressions 89
part ⅱ glance at conventional machine tool structures 90
part ⅲ simulated writing 92
 section a match your skill 92
 section b have a try 93
part ⅳ broaden your horizon——practical activity 94

unit 6 engineering drawings 98
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 98
 passage a technical drawing (i) 98
  notes 101
  new words 101
  phrases and expressions 102
 passage b technical drawing (ii) 103

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教材 高职高专教材 机械电子


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