应用英语教程-3-(含1CD)作者:刘俊花 等主编,全国电力职业教育教材编审委员会 组编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787512346512 定价: 出版时间:2013-09-01 出版社:中国电力出版社 |
应用英语教程-3-(含1CD) 内容简介
本套教材为全国电力高职高专“十二五”规划教材(公共基础课系列教材)。 本套教材共分为3册,每册由学生用书及相配套的学习指导组成,各册分别有相应的听力、课文及课后生词录音光盘和相应的教学课件,本书为第3册。本套教材借鉴任务驱动法(task-driven method)的思路,依据高职高专院校学生特点,注重听、说、读、写、译各种能力的培养;选材难度适中,融知识性、趣味性、实用性于一体,同时具有鲜明时代感;力求改变传统教学模式,即变讲授模式为讨论互动教学模式,突出学生主体特征,激发学习兴趣,调动学习积极性,使学生易获成就感,从而消除厌学情绪。
应用英语教程-3-(含1CD) 目录
module 1 history and culture
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 british people vs americans
text 2 indigenous peoples
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 2 music
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 hearing the music, honing the mind
text 2 world music
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 3 animals
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 news on animal rights
text 2 love of big cats sparks conservation project"
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 4 media and advertisements
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 advertising media
text 2 should children be influenced by the advertisements?
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 5 population
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 why innovation won't defuse the population bomb
text 2 will 10 billion people use up the planet's resources?
part c further development'
useful words & expressions
module 6 resources
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 reasons to protect and conserve water resources
text 2 hydrogen
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 7 business and trade
part a listening activities
part b readingactivities
text 1 the other role in recovery: wto
text 2 a global trade decline?
part c further development
useful words & expressions
module 8 job and career
part a listening activities
part b reading activities
text 1 deceptive targets in the job hunt
text 2 how to be a rich and talented man
part c further development
useful words & expressions
应用英语教程-3-(含1CD) 节选
教材 高职高专教材 机械电子
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