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作者:路庆云 主编

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英语听说实用教程-(附光盘) 本书特色

  天津市精品课程   教学资源丰富

英语听说实用教程-(附光盘) 内容简介

  本书以社交场合的实际交流为源头,进行分析、归纳、提炼和精心设计,并引入了全国英语口语大赛的考试题型。全书共十个单元,每单元都由introduction、vocabulary link、practice field、listening course及enjoy yourself五个部分组成,内容涉及问候、介绍、旅游、工作、会议、商务接待、餐饮、酒店服务及娱乐等。本书排版精美、图文并茂,旨在通过真实而富有时代气息的场景、地道而又生动的语言、实用而又丰富的知识、多样而又有趣的练习来提高学生的英语听说能力。      本书是专门为高等院校非英语专业课程编写的口语教材,也可供相同层次的院校使用,还可供广大英语爱好者参考。

英语听说实用教程-(附光盘) 目录

unit 1 greetings and introductions
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 weather 
 topic 2 body language 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 greetings 
 topic 2 introductions 
 topic 3 taking leave 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 2 traveling in china
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 a tour for the great wall 
 topic 2 tour description 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 presentation 
 topic 2 work in groups 
 sentence drill 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passage 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 3 traveling abroad
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 ten tips before traveling abroad 
 topic 2 passport application form 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 presentation 
 topic 2 work in groups 
 sentence drill 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 4 ideal job
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 job finding 
 topic 2 job description 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 recruitment 
 topic 2 presentation 
 sentence drill 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 5 routine work
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 a secretary’s duties 
 topic 2 telephoning 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 answering phone 
 topic 2 telephone message 
 topic 3 graph description 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 6 meetings
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 successful meetings 
 topic 2 meeting terms and expressions 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 a chairman’s responsibility 
 topic 2 agenda 
 topic 3 graph description 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

unit 7 business reception
ii.vocabulary link 
 topic 1 the new economy 
 topic 2 raising money to start business 
iii.practice field 
 topic 1 description 
 topic 2 presentation 
 sentence drill 
 role play 
iv.listening course 
 learn from songs 
 learn from conversations 
 learn from movies 
 learn from passages 
v.enjoy yourself 

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