创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary

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创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary

创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary

作者:李宏亮,蒋玉琴 主编

开 本:大16开





创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary 本书特色

  普通高等教育“十二五”国家级规划教材原《新编实用英语》修订版创新实用英语 学习指导 level 1 a course in natural english 总主编:何莲珍副总主编:周颂波主编:李宏亮 蒋玉琴副主编:张兴刚 王元春 hugh dellar andrew walkley

创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary 内容简介


创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary 目录

unit 1 communication
teaching focus
part one text a warming for ages!
word study
sentence analysis
text trsnstation
part two text b telephone stories
word study
sentence analysis
text trsnstation
part three grammar exercise with key
part four writing sample
part five translation sample answer

unit 2 gettlng around
learning focus
part one text a it drives me mad!
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part two text b yellowstone national park
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part three grammar exercise
part four writing sample
part five translation exercise
quiz a
quiz b

unit 3 eatlng out
learning focus
part one text a i wouldn't recommend lt!
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part two text b fast food restaurants
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part three grammar exercise
part four writing sample
part five translation exercise
quiz a
quiz b

unit 4 work and jobs
learning focus
part one text a work or life?
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part two text b job hunter
word study
sentence analysis
text translation
part three grammar exercise
part fourwriting sample
part fivetranslation exercise
quiz a
quiz b
unit 5 lefsure actlvlties
unit 6 drorblems and complalnts
unit 7 health
unit 8 dlaces to stay
appefndix vocabulary 800 clossary

创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary 相关资料

easy-learning!给英语学习做加减乘除法。+数字互动平台 —课堂学习难度 ×英语学习效率 ÷复习备考压力 - 中西强强联合:中西合璧,打造最专业的教材 - 再现真实场景:学以致用,打下最坚实的基础 - 传授纯正英语:不出国门,学习最地道的英语 - 教学难易适度:趣味学习,掌握最实用的技能

创新实用英语:第1册:Workbook elementary

教材 高职高专教材


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