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大学英语教程读写译-1-(第三版)-学生用书-(配有光盘) 内容简介


大学英语教程读写译-1-(第三版)-学生用书-(配有光盘) 目录

unit 1 college life part i language skill part ii language in context text a how to adjust to college life part iii toward productive language text b how college is different from high school unit 2 creativity in college part i language skill part ii language in context text a creative failure in college exam part iii toward productive language text b imagination and the making of a physicist unit 3 teachers and students part i language skill part ii language in context text a confessio of a lonely ta part iii toward productive language text b he rocked, i reeled unit 4 power of the web part i language skill part ii language in context text a the web is magic but students' research pape are not part iii toward productive language text b two lette responding to david rothenberg unit 5 how do we see the world part i language skill part ii language in context text a the world as i see it part iii toward productive language text b the princess and the nun unit 6 are we really fools? part i language skill part ii language in context text a to err is human part iii toward productive language text b the advantages of stupidity unit 7 what is success part i language skill part ii language in context text a noble failures and petty successes part iii toward productive language text b cultural literacy hypocrisy unit 8 on the way to real life part i language skill part ii language in context text a premature pragmatism on campus part iii toward productive language text b preparation for life appendix vocabulary 大学英语教程读写译-1-(第三版)-学生用书-(配有光盘)

教材 研究生/本科/专科教材 公共课


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