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清华中学英语分级读物中学生百科英语(4)CONCEPTS&COMMENTS(配光盘) 内容简介

科学严谨的教学法,切实提高学生阅读理解能力。     *的主题阅读材料(每单元5篇),注重词汇、句型和文章内容的复现。     新增词语搭配练习和更新的词典使用功能练习,扩大学生词汇量。     新增单元测试,帮助学生自测或教师检验学生的进步。     清晰优质的原版朗读CD,提供阅读的语音材料。     N电视短片,提供真实的语言输入,扩充内容及词汇。     《中学生百科英语》是为广大中学生朋友引进出版的一套知识性很强的阅读教材。它以动物、植物、音乐、探险、发明等百科知识专题为线索,循序渐进地引导读者在愉快的阅读、思考、练习、听朗读、欣赏N节目、做游戏的过程中逐步提高阅读能力,迅速扩大词汇量。

清华中学英语分级读物中学生百科英语(4)CONCEPTS&COMMENTS(配光盘) 目录

Unit 1 Art
Lesson 1 Navajo Sand Painting
Lesson 2 Ceramics
Lesson 3 Cave Paintings
Lesson 4 Graffiti
Extension Activities
Video Highlights: CNN Video, Ndebele Art
Activity Page: Crossword Puzzle
Dictionary Page: Choosing the Correct Definition

Unit 2 Organizations
Lesson 1 The Uruted Nations
Lesson 2 Amnestylntemational
Lesson 3 UNICEF
Lesson 4 The Olympic Movement
Extension Activities
Video Highlights: CNN Video, U.N. Children's Forum
Activity Page: Crossword Puzzle
Dictionary Page: Understanding Acronyms

Unit 3 Places
Lesson 1 Hawaii
Lesson 2 Deserts
Lesson 3 Antarctica
Lesson 4 NahonalParks
Extension Activities
Video Highlights: CNN Video, National Parks
Activity Page: Crossword Puzzle
Dictionary Page: Learning About Word Stress

Unit 4 Saence and Technology
Lesson 1 Satellites
Lesson 2 Comets
Lesson 3 Motor Vehicles: The Pros and Cons
Lesson 4 New Plants
Extension Activities
Video Highlights: CNN Video, E-mail Etiquette
Achvity Page: Crossword Puzzle
Dictionary Page: Using Prefixes

Unit 5 Health and Well-Being
Lesson 1 UpinSmoke
Lesson 2 Memory
Lesson 3 Obesity: The New Epidemic
Lesson 4 Can Fashion Be Hazardous to Your Health?
Extension Activities
Video Highlights: CNN Video,New York Smoking Ban
Activity Page: Crossword Puzzle
Dichonary Page: Understanding Labels: Slang
Unit Quiz
Skills Index
Video Transcripts 清华中学英语分级读物中学生百科英语(4)CONCEPTS&COMMENTS(配光盘)

中小学教辅 英语阅读


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