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彼得.潘-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 内容简介

  《世界名著阅读丛书:彼得·潘(英文原著插图·中文导读)》是二十世纪世界上*伟大的童话作品之一,是教育部推荐的中小学生必读书籍。这是一个充满魔幻、神奇的美丽故事。故事的主人公彼得·潘,绰号小飞侠,是个永远长不大的勇敢小子,调皮且喜爱冒险,在神秘的梦幻岛上快乐地生活。梦幻岛上还住着小仙子、美人鱼、印第安人和凶恶的海盗。一天,小飞侠邀请小朋友温蒂和她的两个弟弟来梦幻岛游玩,并开始了令温蒂无法想象和忘却的传奇故事:落户大树底下的神奇之家;与小仙女、美人鱼一起游玩;与印第安人结盟智斗海盗等等。  《世界名著阅读丛书:彼得·潘(英文原著插图·中文导读)》一经出版,很快就成为当时*受关注和*畅销的童话作品,至今已被译成几十种文字,曾经先后多次被改编成戏剧、电影、电视和卡通片等。

彼得.潘-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 目录

**章 彼得·潘闯了进来
第二章 影子
第三章 走吧,走吧!
第四章 飞行
第五章 真正的岛
第六章 小屋子
第七章 地下的家
第八章 美人鱼的环礁湖
第九章 梦幻岛
第十章 快乐的家庭
第十一章 温蒂的故事
第十二章 孩子们被抓走了
第十三章 你相信仙子吗?
第十四章 海盗船
第十五章 “和胡克拼个你死我活”
第十六章 回家
第十七章 温蒂长大了

彼得.潘-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 节选

  They go on with their recollections.  "It was then that I rushed in like a tornado, wasn't it?" Mr. Darling would say, scorning himself; and indeed he had been like a tornado.  Perhaps there was some excuse for him. He, too, had been dressing for the party, and all had gone well with him until he came to his tie. It is an astounding thing to have to tell, but this man, though he knew about stocks and shares, had no real mastery of his tie. Sometimes the thing  yielded to him without a contest, but there were occasions when it would have been better for the house if he had swallowed his pride and used a made-up tie.  This was such an occasion. He came rushing into the nursery with the crumpled little brute of a tie in his hand.  "Why, what is the matter, father dear?"  "Matter!" he yelled; he really yelled. "This tie, it will not tie." He became dangerously sarcastic. "Not round my neck! Round the bedpost! Oh yes, twenty times have I made it up round the bed-post, but round my neck, no! Oh dear no! It begs to be excused!"  He thought Mrs. Darling was not sufficiently impressed, and he went on stemly, "I wam you of this, mother, that unless this tie is round my neck we don't go out to dinner tonight, and if l don't go out to dinner tonight, I never go to the office again, and if l don't go to the office again, you and I starve, and our children will be fiung into the streets."  Even then Mrs. Darling was placid. "Let me try, dear," she said, and indeed that was what he had come to ask her to do, and with her nice cool hands she tied lus tie for him, while the children stood around to see their fate decided. Some men would have resented her being able to do it so easily, but Mr. Darling had far too fine a nature for that; he thanked her carelessly, at once forgot his rage, and in another moment was dancing round the room with Michael on his back.  "How wildly we romped!" said Mrs. Darling now, recalling it.  "Our last romp!" Mr. Darling groaned.  "O George, do you remember Michael suddenly said to me, 'How did you get to know me, mother?"'  "I remember! "  "They were rather sweet, don't you think, George?"  "And they were ours, ours! and now they are gone."  The romp had ended with the appearance of Nana, and most unluckily Mr. Darling collided against her, covering his trousers with hairs. They were not only new trousers, but they were the first he had ever had with braid on them, and he had had to bite his lip to prevent the tears coming. Of course Mrs. Darling brushed him, but he began to talk again about its being a mistake to have a dog for a nurse."George, Nana is a treasure."  "No doubt, but I have an uneasy feeling at times that she looks upon the children as puppies."  "Oh no, dear one, l feel sure she knows they have souls."  "I wonder," Mr. Darling said thoughtfully, "I wonder." It was an opportunity, his wife felt, for telling him about the boy. At first he poohpoohed the story, but he became thoughtful when she showed him the shadow.  "It is nobody I know," he said, examining it carefully, "but it does look a scoundrel."  ……

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中小学教辅 英语阅读


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