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英文全本典藏—菊与刀 内容简介


英文全本典藏—菊与刀 目录

Chapter 1 Assignment : Japan
Chapter 2 The Japanese in the War
Chapter 3 Taking One's Proper Station
Chapter 4 The Meiji Reform
Chapter 5 Debtor to the Ages and the World
Chapter 6 Repaying One-Ten-Thousandth
Chapter 7 The Repayment"Hardest to Bear"
Chapter 8 Clearing One's Name
Chapter 9 The Circle of Human Feelings
Chapter 10 The Dilemma of Virtue
Chapter 11 Self-Discipline
Chapter 12 The Child Learns
Chapter 13 The Japanese Since VJ-Day

英文全本典藏—菊与刀 节选

  《英文全本典藏:菊与刀(英文版)》:  An employee says,"I must respect myself (jicho) ," and it means, not that he must stand on his rights, but that he must say nothing to his employers that will get him into trouble."You must respect yourself"had this same meaning, too, in political usage.It meant that a" person of weight"could not respect himself if he indulged in anything so rash as"dangerous thoughts."It had no implication, as it would in the United States, that even if thoughts are dangerous a man's self—respect requires that he think according to his own lights and his own conscience.  "You must respect yourself"is constantly on parents' lips in admonishing their adolescent children, and it refers to observing proprieties and living up to other people's expectation.A girl is thus admonished to sit without moving, her legs properly placed, and a boy to train himself and learn to watch for cues from others"because now is the time that will decide your future."When a parent says to them, "You did not behave as a self—respecting person should, "it means that they are accused of an impropriety rather than of lack of courage to stand up for the right as they saw it.  ……


中小学教辅 英语阅读


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