读霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练作者:牛慧霞 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787552012187 定价: 出版时间:2016-06-01 出版社:上海社会科学院出版社 |
读霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 本书特色
读霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 内容简介
读霸178篇-高中英语阅读强化升级训练 目录
chapter ⅰunit 1 生态环保类001 the solution to global warming may be further away解决全球变暖任重道远 002 measures to prevent the haze in beijing 北京采取措施应对雾霾 003 ranking universities by how “green” they are按“绿色”程度给大学排名 004 firefly 萤火虫 005 mind the air you breathe 警惕你呼吸的空气 010 unit 2 科技类006 tornadoes—a most dangerous storm龙卷风——*危险的风暴 007 driving with gps can be difficult to navigategps导航让行车更困难 008 the iss: a flying city in the sky国际空间站:一个在天空中飞行的城市 009 the cause of the blue color in snow and ice冰和雪中会有蓝颜色的起因 010 mars perhaps is too salty for life对于生命来说火星的含盐量太高 011 frog skin might beat superbugs 青蛙皮肤可对抗超级细菌 unit 3 教育类012 more universities offer free online courses越来越多的大学提供网上公开课 013 is handwriting important or not? 书法重不重要? 014 don’t cheat to learn 学习不能弄虚作假 015 strategies for success 成功的策略 016 girls “under too much pressure” 女孩“压力太大” 017 beat the blues 消除抑郁 unit 4 社会文化类018 national identity depends on culture, too民族认同也取决于文化 019 culture connections 文化连接 020 is halloween going private? 万圣节变成私人的节日了吗? 021 the tomato is not evil 西红柿不是邪恶的 022 the national gallery 英国国家美术馆 023 traditional dumpling sweetens festival 传统汤圆使节日更甜 024 gift is music to her ears 把音乐作为礼物送给她 unit 5 健康饮食类025 a bite of china offers not only food《舌尖上的中国》不只是美味 026 eating brown rice to cut diabetes risk吃糙米减少患糖尿病的风险 027 chocolate 巧克力 028 four health changes can prolong life四个健康改变可以延长生命 029 too much red meat could lead to blindness太多牛羊肉会导致失明 030 drop the peeler and eat the skin 扔掉削皮器,吃掉水果皮 unit 6 政治经济类031 e-commerce challenges traditional stores电子商务挑战传统商店 032 newspapers in america 美国的报纸业 033 service dogs to walk in inaugural parade服务犬走在就职游行队伍里 034 winners club 赢家俱乐部 unit 7 人物类035 tu youyou ── china’s first medicine nobel prizewinner屠呦呦——中国首位诺贝尔医学奖获得者 036 ansel adams 安塞尔·亚当斯 037 arthur miller and his death of a salesman阿瑟·米勒和他的《推销员之死》 038 cowboys: cattle drives 牛仔:转场放牛 039 a famous saxophone player 一位著名的萨克斯演奏家 040 paul getty and his money 保罗·盖蒂与他的财富 unit 8 议论说理类041 more farmers are wanted 急需更多农民 042 volcker: the triumph of persistence 沃尔克:金石为开 043 why do british people love to say sorry? 为什么英国人爱道歉? 044 was galileo wrong? 是伽利略错了吗? 045 allow others to be your mirror 以他人为镜 046 why being on time is important 为什么守时很重要 unit 9 时文公告类047 what does travel consist of? 旅游包括什么? 048 traditional costumes becoming chic for graduationphotos传统服装使毕业照更显别致 049 some 1,200 injured in meteor explosion 陨石爆炸约1 200人受伤 050 mapping your world 绘制你的世界 051 signs of autism children should be found early及早发现孩子自闭症的迹象 052 “hope” springs eternal in new setting“希望”在新的环境中永葆青春 unit 10 娱乐类053 you can get everything! 你能买到任何东西! 054 billboard 公告牌 055 the three films will be the big hits this summer这3部中国影片今夏将火爆影院 056 nail art 美甲 057 going through the grief cycle 哀情周期 058 the rise and rise of camping 野营度假势头见涨 unit 11 生态环保类059 life in the clear 透明生物 060 madagascar 马达加斯加岛061 save africa’s wild dogs 拯救非洲野狗 062 honeybees still disappearing 蜜蜂仍在消失 063 the deep sea 深海 064 uk butterflies in decline 英国蝴蝶踪迹难觅 unit 12 科技类065 nanotechnology 纳米技术 066 plastic 塑料 067 do you know about dvd? 你了解dvd吗? 068 movie and music piracy 盗版电影和音乐 069 touch screens 触控荧幕 chapter ⅱ 070 mystery squid 神秘的鱿鱼 071 the lampbrella 雨水感应式路灯伞 unit 13 教育类072 offshore english 离岸英语 073 scientists and engineers into elementary schools科学技术专家走进小学课堂 074 discussion on how to learn a language 语言学习之讨论 075 rewards for students, good or bad? 给学生奖励:好还是坏? 076 a special invitation for teachers 给老师的一封特殊邀请函 077 the internet’s influence on teens 互联网对青少年的影响 unit 14 社会文化类078 outdoor survival skills: make balm 户外生存技巧:制作药膏 079 the history of chocolate making 制造巧克力的历史 080 flash mob: the pop culture 快闪族:流行文化新秀 081 china is on track to surpass u.s. as world’s biggestmovie marketby 2017中国有望在2017年之前超过美国成为世界*大的电影市场 082 art museums to visit this fall 金秋可以参观的艺术博物馆 083 wushu in pe class 体育课学习武术 084 british pubs 英国酒吧 unit 15 健康饮食类085 regional brazilian food 巴西各地美食 086 the rise of outdoor dining 户外餐饮的兴起 087 a special fruit—the apple 一种特殊的水果——苹果 088 corn and potatoes 玉米和土豆 089 how much water should you drink every day?你每天该喝多少水呢? unit 16 政治经济类090 how inventions are put into use 发明物如何投入使用 091 good news, bad news on food prices 粮价的快涨与慢落 092 are you a saver or a spender? 你是节俭者,还是挥霍者 093 a washing machine controlled by a smartphone洗衣机可以用智能手机来控制 094 how an allowance helps children learn about money零花钱可助孩子理财 unit 17 人物类095 an independent spirit 享受音乐的独立人 096 bond girl, reimagined 摆脱花瓶形象的邦女郎 097 the mother of the modern women’s liberation movement现代妇女解放运动之母 098 he won hearts mostly by making fun of himself他借自嘲赢得大多数人的心 099 she was the most influential wife of any americanpresident美国有史以来对总统影响*大的妻子 100 leonardo da vinci 莱昂拉多·达芬奇 unit 18 议论说理类101 the xp firewall isn’t enough xp防火墙远远不够 102 mother’s love 母亲的爱 103 pretty boys 花样美男 104 civilization of chinese food 中国饮食文明 105 one cigarette can’t hurt? 抽一支香烟就不会受到伤害吗? 106 people are more likely to help those who are enviousof them人们对嫉妒自己的人更友善 unit 19 时文公告类107 bilingual seniors have mental edge 双语老年人有认知优势 108 pet hotel 宠物旅馆 109 travel advice for students working abroad给国外打工学生的旅游忠告 110 make up your mind to succeed 下定决心去成功 111 voluntourism in costa rica 哥斯达黎加的公益旅游 112 let your imagination run wild 让你的想象力任意驰骋 unit 20 娱乐类113 hollywood and broadway 好莱坞和百老汇 114 myths in the world of harry potter 《哈利·波特》世界里的神话 115 myths in the lord of the rings 《指环王》里的神话 116 film explores mickey mouse diplomacy 电影探索米老鼠外交 117 rock music 摇滚乐 unit 21 生态环保类118 forest fires 森林火灾 119 houses powered by energy from the sun 太阳提供能源的房子 120 many bird populations are in trouble 许多鸟类处于危险中 121 earth’s last wild places 地球上*后的荒野地带 122 rapid warming boosted ancient rainforest快速升温刺激了古老的热带雨林 123 going green 走向绿色环保 unit 22 科技类124 blue hole 蓝洞 125 your future life! 你的未来生活 chapter ⅲ 126 the earth is cracked like a giant eggshell地球像一个破裂的巨型蛋壳 127 clever toilet gives health check-ups 智能马桶提供健康检查 128 the development of communicating information 信息交流的发展 129 mirror neurons in our brains 大脑中的镜像神经元 130 3-d printers 三维打印机 unit 23 教育类131 how to make money for teenagers 如何使青少年赚钱 132 are kids getting too much praise? 孩子受到太多的赞扬吗? 133 green school 绿色校园 134 making friends is not always easy for foreignstudents留学生交友并非易事 135 the business of learning mandarin 老外学习汉语那些事 136 are smartphone apps encouraging young smokers?智能手机应用软件在诱导青少年吸烟吗? unit 24 社会文化类137 the history of inflatable boats 充气船的历史 138 the history of baseball 棒球历史 139 cross-cultural marriage 跨文化婚姻 140 low-cost gifts for mother’s day 母亲节的低成本礼物 141 stonehenge 巨石柱群 142 royal garden parties 皇家园林派对 143 english conversation begins with the weather英国人会话首谈天气 unit 25 健康饮食类144 eating fast food regularly is the same as hepatitis常吃油炸食品类似身患肝炎 145 daylight could help control our weight日光可以帮助我们控制体重 146 high heels 高跟鞋 147 organic food 有机食物 148 salt reduction 减少食盐摄入量 149 mcdonald’s changes its oil 麦当劳更换食用油 150 heart disease and air pollution 心脏疾病与空气污染 unit 26 政治经济类151 future smart devices will extend our senses未来智能设备将拓宽我们的感官 152 first female president elected in south korea朴槿惠——韩国**任女总统 153 giant rubber duck visits hong kong 巨型橡皮鸭访问香港 154 china looks to lead the internet of things看来中国要引领物联网 155 women make better business decisions than men女性更善于做商业决策 unit 27 人物类156 general douglas macarthur 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军 157 a beautiful role model 一个美丽的人物模型 158 life of love 爱的一生 159 the success of an untouchable 贱民的成功 160 a star who broke racial barriers 打破种族障碍的明星 161 tom bingham, defender of liberty 自由捍卫者:汤姆·宾翰 unit 28 议论说理类162 where does fear come from? 恐惧从何而来? 163 more and more have “lucid dreams”做“清醒梦”的人越来越多 164 laugh in the face of cancer 笑对癌症 165 why don’t snorers wake themselves up?为什么打鼾的人不会吵醒自己? 166 living near a highway may contribute to autism risk住在高速公路附近可能导致自闭症 167 british people are no longer willing to line up英国人不再愿意排队 unit 29 时文公告类168 de-clutter your desk if you want a successful career清理桌柜有助于你的事业成功 169 foreign students are going off english universities留学生正在逐渐远离英国高校 170 high adventure programs 极度冒险项目 171 food for thought 食品的思考 172 paintings in tree holes 树洞画 173 ang lee awarded the oscar for best director again李安再获奥斯卡*佳导演奖 unit 30 娱乐类174 the big bang theory will be shown on cctv央视将引进《生活大爆炸》 175 outdoor activity ideas for families 家庭户外运动理念 176 how to plan a family beach vacation 如何规划家庭海滩度假 177 the art of grace: on moving well through life优雅的艺术:如何舞动人生 178 hunan tv has cooperated with itv studios湖南卫视与英国独立电视台合作
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